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npm License: MIT npm npm

A simple, lightweight jQuery step wizard plugin.


  • Easy configuration
  • Lightweight (2KB gzipped)
  • Works in all major browsers including IE11+


IE11+, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari



npm install jquery.steps


git clone


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>


Include plugin stylesheets.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-steps.css">

Make necessary markup for wizard. That's all, you don't need to do anything else.

<div class="step-app" id="demo">
  <ul class="step-steps">
    <li data-step-target="step1">Step 1</li>
    <li data-step-target="step2">Step 2</li>
    <li data-step-target="step3">Step 3</li>
  <div class="step-content">
    <div class="step-tab-panel" data-step="step1">
    <div class="step-tab-panel" data-step="step2">
    <div class="step-tab-panel" data-step="step3">
  <div class="step-footer">
    <button data-step-action="prev" class="step-btn">Previous</button>
    <button data-step-action="next" class="step-btn">Next</button>
    <button data-step-action="finish" class="step-btn">Finish</button>

Include plugin and dependeces. jQuery is the only dependency, make sure to include it.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/jquery-steps.js"></script>

Init plugin with choosen options.

    onFinish: function () { alert('complete'); }


Setting Default Value Description
startAt 0 Starts wizard at specifed step number.
showBackButton true Indicates whether the back button will be visible.
showFooterButtons true Indicates whether the footer buttons will be visible.
stepSelector .step-steps The selector used for each step.
contentSelector .step-content The selector used for the step content.
footerSelector .step-footer The selector used for the buttons.
activeClass active The class used when a step is active.
doneClass done The class used when a step is done.
errorClass error The class used when an error occurs in a step.
onInit function(){} Fired when plugin is initialized.
onChange function(currentIndex, newIndex, stepDirection){return true;} Fired when plugin step changed.
onFinish function(){} Fired when plugin wizard finished.
onDestroy function(){} Fired when plugin destroy.


Name Description
destory Destroy the plugin instance.
next Goes to the next step.
prev Goes to the previous step.
finish Trigger the onFinish event.
getStepIndex Gets the current step index.(start from 0)
getMaxStepIndex Gets the max step index.
setStepIndex Sets the step index.
