expo-router-typescript Public
Forked from thedevenvironment/expo-router-typescriptQuickstart Expo Application with Typescript and Expo Router Baked In.
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 21, 2024 -
explorer-repository Public
This project list React repository from Github in a table where you can filter and sorte by name, stars, and forks.
TypeScript UpdatedNov 29, 2023 -
nextjs-corporate-starter Public template
Forked from strapi/nextjs-corporate-starterStrapi Demo application for Corporate Websites using Next.js
TypeScript UpdatedAug 25, 2023 -
to-do-listapp Public
To Do List with Angula and firebase
custom-react-hook-use-form Public
Custom useForm Hook - https://orivelton.github.io/custom-react-hook-use-form/
Build A REST API With Node.js, Express, & MongoDB
tabnews.com.br Public
Forked from filipedeschamps/tabnews.com.brConteúdos de valor concreto para quem vive de programação e tecnologia.
frames-react Public
Forked from checkout/frames-reactReact wrapper of Checkout.com Frames.
geoptapi Public
Forked from Exoid/geo-pt-apiProvides information on official divisional administrative regions of Portugal
next-landing-vpn Public
Forked from naufaldi/next-landing-vpnAn Open Source Landingpage For VPN or Apps. Build using NextJS 10 and Tailwind v2.0
maplibre-gl-geocoder Public
Forked from maplibre/maplibre-gl-geocoderGeocoding for MapLibre