A Jekyll template for running an open online course (no, not a MOOC)
See http://p2pu.github.io/jekyll-course-template for an example of what it looks like
- Simple course site
- Google Analytics tracking for your course
- Comments using disqus
- Read about github pages.
- Download the files here.
- Create a new git repository on your local machine:
git init .
- Create and use the branch gh-pages as the default:
git checkout -b gh-pages
. - Create a new repository on github.
- Add the new repository as the origin for your repository
git remote add origin git@github.com:username/repositoryname.git
. - Copy the files into your repository.
- Update _data/course.yml with the relevant info.
- Update index.md with the basic info about your course.
- Create course contents in _posts/. Have a look at the examples here.
- File names need to start with a date and that this date will determine the order.
- Add the category 'contents' to the post, otherwise it won't show up on your course about page.
- Update _config.yml.
- Update the URLs appropriately -
will be the name of your repository & url should be the username.github.io/repositoryname. - Create a new Google Analytics account and put the site ID in _config.yml.
- Create a new disqus account if you want to enable comments and put the disqus_shortname in _config.yml.
- Push to the gh-pages branch of your github reposity:
git push origin gh-pages
If you would like to contribute, there are lots that needs to be done. Fork the repository and get hacking!
- Add LRMI metadata to the template.
- Pull in the external CSS and JS files we are currently using.
- Figure out how we can support #s - something like Google forms where we can show the results in the document as profile pictures.
- Add support for badges
- Figure out how to do translation
- Add metadata for social sharing
Come and tell us all about it at thepeople.p2pu.org.
The template and the code is all released under the MIT license unless otherwise noted. By default the template is set up to publish the content you add under CC-BY-SA.