Step 1 With mouse left button highlight curl command in code box below. Right click mouse in highlighted area and Copy.
Step 2 On RPI putty SSH or terminal session right click, select paste then Enter to download and run script.
curl -L | bash
This will download and run the script. See Github FileBrowser project
This is sample bash code for a whiptail file browser that allows navigating through a directory a structure. If a file matching the filext variable file type is selected it will Return the filename and path of the selected file. This can be used in your code to do further processing. Note The sample defaults to jpg file extension but this can be customize per your requirements using filext variable.
This Demo whiptail demo can be used in your own bash scripts per the example code.
The variables returned from the FileBrowser() function are
Filename : $filename
Directory: $filepath
You can perform commands on
- Just file name eg. cp $filename $filename.bak
- Just directory path eg. mv $filepath $filepath_prev
- Both for full file path eg. rm $filepath/$filename
Use nano to edit
cd ~/filebrowse
Edit the variables below for your requirements
menutitle="$filext File Selection Menu"
ctrl-x y to save and exit nano editor
To Run demo
cd ~/filebrowse
1 Select Back to navigate to a previous directory.
2 Select a directory entry to navigate to that folder and display list of files/folders.
3 Select a file name that matches the filext variable. If file type is valid
the file name will be returned
4 Use Arrow, page up/dn or tab key to navigate within menu
5 Esc key exits with no selection.
See code for more details.
Regards Claude ...