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⛰️ Rocky

Rocky is a C++ SDK for rendering maps and globes. Screenshot 2023-02-22 124318

Rocky will render an accurate 3D or 2D map with real geospatial imagery and elevation data. It supports thousands of map projections and many popular geodata sources including GeoTIFF, TMS, OpenStreetMap, WMTS, WMS, and Azure Maps. Rocky's data model is inspired by the osgEarth SDK, a 3D GIS toolkit created in 2008 and still in wide use today.

This project is in its early stages so expect a lot of API and architectural changes before version 1.0.

Windows Doxygen



Build the SDK

Rocky uses CMake, and we maintain the build on Windows and Linux. Rocky comes with a handy Windows batch file to automatically configure the project using vcpkg:


That will download and build all the dependencies (takes a while) and generate your CMake project and Visual Studio solution file.

If you would rather not use vcpkg, you can build and install the dependencies yourself, or use your favorite package manager (like apt on Linux).

Run the Demo

Rocky is pretty good at finding its data files, but if you run into trouble, you might need to set a couple environment variables to help:

set ROCKY_FILE_PATH=%rocky_install_dir%/share/rocky
set ROCKY_DEFAULT_FONT=C:/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf
set PROJ_DATA=%proj_install_dir%/share/proj

If you built with vcpkg you will also need to add the dependencies folder to your path; this will normally be found in vcpkg_installed/x64-windows (or whatever platform you are using).

Now we're ready:


Screenshot 2023-02-22 124318

There are some JSON map files in the data folder. Load one with the --map option:

rocky_demo --map data\
Screenshot 2023-02-22 124318

Hello World

The easiest way to write a turnkey Rocky app is to use the rocky::Application object. It will create a viewer, a default map, and a scene graph to store everything you want to visualize.


#include <rocky/rocky.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    rocky::Application app(argc, argv);

    auto imagery = rocky::TMSImageLayer::create();
    imagery->uri = "";



cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project(myApp VERSION 0.1.0 LANGUAGES CXX C)
find_package(rocky CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_executable(myApp main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myApp PRIVATE rocky::rocky)


To render a map the first thing we need is map data. Map data can be huge and usually will not fit into the application's memory all at once. To solve that problem the standard approach is to process the source data into a hierarchy of map tiles called a tile pyramid.

Rocky supports a number of different map data layers that will read either tile pyramids from the network, or straight raster data from your local disk.


Image layers display the visible colors of the map. It might be satellite or aerial imagery, or it might be a rasterized cartographic map. Here are some ways to load image layers into Rocky.

Let's start with a simple TMS (OSGeo Tile Map Service) layer:

#include <rocky/rocky.h>
using namespace rocky;

// The map data model lives in our Application object.
Application app;
auto& map = app.mapNode->map;

// A TMS layer can use the popular TMS specification:
auto tms = TMSImageLayer::create();
tms->uri = "";


We can also use the TMSImageLayer to load generic "XYZ" tile pyramids from the network. In this example, we are loading OpenStreetMap data.

// This will load the rasterizered OpenStreetMap data.
// We comply with the TOS by including attribution too.
auto osm = TMSImageLayer::create();
osm->uri = "https://[abc]{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
osm->attribution = rocky::Hyperlink{ "\u00a9 OpenStreetMap contributors", "" };

// This data source doesn't report any metadata, so we need to tell Rocky
// about its tiling profile. Most online data sources use "spherical-meractor".
osm->profile = rocky::Profile("spherical-mercator");


You can load imagery datasets from your local disk as well. To do so we will use the GDALImageLayer. This layer is based on the GDAL toolkit which supports a vast array of raster formats.

auto local = GDALImageLayer::create();
local->uri = "data/world.tif"; // a local GeoTIFF file


You can add as many image layers as you want - Rocky will composite them together at runtime.

Terrain Elevation

Terrain elevation adds 3D heightmap data to your map.

Rocky supports elevation grid data in three formats:

  • Single-channel TIFF (32-bit float or 16-but integer)
  • Mapbox-encoded PNG
  • Terrarium-encoded PNG
auto elevation = TMSElevationLayer::create();
elevation->uri = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
elevation->encoding = ElevationLayer::Encodeing::MapboxRGB;

Vector Features


Spatial Reference Systems



Rocky has a set of built-in primitives for displaying objects on the map.

  • Label - a text string
  • Icon - a 2D billboarded image
  • Line - a string of 2D line segments
  • Mesh - a collection of triangles
  • Model - a VSG scene graph representing an object
  • Widget - an interactive ImGui panel

To create and manage these elements, Rocky uses an Entity Component System (ECS) driven by the popular EnTT SDK. We will not delve into the benefits of an ECS for data management here. Suffice it to say that it is a very popular mechanism used in modern gaming and graphics engine with excellent performance and scalability benefits.

This subsystem is completely optional. Since Rocky is built with VulkanSceneGraph, you can use its API to populate your scene in any way you choose.

Creating Entities and Components

Let's look at a simple example.

#include <rocky/rocky.h>

using namespace rocky;

Application app;

void addLabel(const std::string& text)
    // Start by acquiring a write-lock on the entity registry.
    // The lock will release automatically at the end of the current scope,
    // or you can call lock.unlock() to release it manually.
    auto [lock, registry] = app.registry.write();

    // create a new entity
    auto entity = registry.create();
    // attach a Label component:
    Label& label = registry.emplace<Label>(entity);
    label.text = "Hello, world";
    // attach a Transform component to position our entity on the map:
    Transform& transform = registry.emplace<Transform>(entity);
    transform.position = GeoPoint(SRS::WGS84, -76, 34, 0);

As you can see, the ECS works by creating an entity and then attaching components to that entity. You are not limited to Rocky's built-in components; you can create and attach your own types as well.

The Entity Registry

Let's briefly talk about the Entity Registry. In the ECS, the registry is a database that holds all your entities and components. Rocky wraps the EnTT entt::registry in a locking mechanism that makes it safer to access your registry from more than one thread should you choose to do so. You just need to follow this usage pattern:

void function_that_creates_or_destroys_things(Application& app)
   auto [lock, registry] = app.registry.write();
   // ALL registry operations are safe here, including:
   auto e = registry.create();                // creating a new entity
   auto& label = registry.emplace<Label>(e);  // attaching a new component
   registry.remove<Label>(e);                 // removing a component
   registry.destroy(e);                       // destroying an entity (and all its attachments)

void function_that_only_reads_or_edits_things(Application& app)
   auto [lock, registry] =;

   // ONLY actions that read data or modify data in-place are safe here, including:
   auto& label = registry.get<Label>(e);    // look up an existing component
   label.text = "New text";                 // modify a component in-place
   for(auto&&[label, xform] : registry.view<Label, Transform>().each()) { ... }  // iterate data

   // NOT safe!!
   // create(), emplace(), emplace_or_replace(), remove(), destroy();

While the example here will show you the basics, we recommend you read up on the EnTT SDK if you want to understand the full breadth of the registry's API!

Control Components

Control Components do not render anything, but rather affect how other components attached to your entity behave.

As we've already seen, you can position an entity using a Transform component:

auto[lock, registry] = app.registry.write();

Transform& transform = registry.emplace<Transform>(entity);

// Set the geospatial position in the SRS of your choice:
transform.position = GeoPoint(SRS::WGS84, -76, 34, 0);

// Whether any geometry (like a Line or Model) attached to the same entity will render relative to a topographic tangent plane (as opposed to absolute coordinates)
transform.localTangentPlane = true;

You toggle an entity's visiblity, use the Visibility component. (Rocky automatically adds a Visibility whenever you create one of the built-in primitive types - you don't have to emplace it yourself.) The component is actually an array so you can control visibility on a per-view basis.

auto[lock, registry] =;

Visibility& vis = registry.get<Visibility>(entity);
vis[0] = true; // index 0 is the default view

Other control components include:

  • Active (for the overall active state of an entity)
  • Declutter (whether, and how, the entity participates in screen decluttering)

In the rocky_demo application you will find example code for each component, in the header files Demo_Icon.h, Demo_Line.h, etc.



Rocky and Dear ImGui

Dear ImGui is a fast, flexible runtime UI SDK for C++. Rocky integrates smoothly with ImGui in two ways.

Creating a top-level GUI

Rocky has an ImGuiIntegration API that makes it easy to render a GUI atop your map display.

#include <rocky/vsg/imgui/ImGuiIntegration.h>

struct MyGUI : public vsg::Inherit<ImGuiNode, MainGUI>
    void render(ImGuiContext* imguiContext) const override
        if (ImGui::Begin("Main Window")) 
            ImGui::Text("Hello, world!");

Application app;

auto traits = vsg::WindowTraits::create(1920, 1080, "Main Window");
auto main_window = app.displayManager->addWindow(traits);

auto imgui_group = ImGuiIntegration::addContextGroup(app.displayManager, main_window);

imgui_group->add(MyGUI::create(), app);

That's basically it. Don't forget to call ImGui::SetCurrentContext at the top of your render function!

Using ImGui Widgets

Rocky has an ECS component called Widget that lets you place an ImGui window anywhere on the Map and treat it just like other components.

auto [lock, registry] = app.registry.write();

auto entity = registry.create();

Widget& widget = registry.emplace<Widget>(entity);
widget.render = [](WidgetInstance& i)
        if (ImGui::Begin(i.uid.c_str(), nullptr, i.defaultWindowFlags))
            ImGui::Text("Hello, world!");                        

auto& transform = registry.emplace<Transform>(entity);
transform.setPosition(GeoPoint(SRS::WGS84, 0, 0, 0));

Rocky and VulkanSceneGraph

If you're already using VulkanSceneGraph (VSG) in your application and just want to add a MapNode to a view, do this:

#include <rocky/rocky.h>

// Your VSG viewer:
auto viewer = vsg::Viewer::create();

// Make a runtime context for the viewer:
auto context = rocky::VSGContextFactory::create(viewer);

// Make a map node to render your map data:
auto mapNode = rocky::MapNode::create(context);

// optional - add one or more maps to your map:
auto layer = rocky::TMSImageLayer::create();
layer->uri = "https://[abc]{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
layer->setAttribution(rocky::Hyperlink{ "\u00a9 OpenStreetMap contributors", "" });
// Run your main loop as usual
while (viewer->advanceToNextFrame())

You'll probably also want to add the MapManipulator to that view to control the map:

viewer->addEventHandler(rocky::MapManipulator::create(mapNode, window, camera, context));

Keep in mind that without Rocky's Application object, you will not get the benefits of using Rocky's ECS for map annotations.

Rocky and Qt

You can embed Rocky in a Qt widget. See the rocky_demo_qt example for details.



Thanks to these excellent open source projects that help make Rocky possible!


3D Geospatial SDK (C++17 / Vulkan / VSG)








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