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A Starter Kit For Symfony

Build Status Code Climate Code Climate License: MIT

This symfony project is about helping you get up and running symfony, quickly. Everything has been has been setup and coded so that all you should have to do is add your business logic. We've documented most of the projects so that if you need to change anything you should be able to without having to dig through a ton of code.

Things you will need before setting up.

  • Amazon s3:
    • secret
    • key
    • bucket name
    • region
  • Facebook Auth
    • secret
    • client id
  • Google Auth
    • secret
    • client id
  • You smtp server credentials

Setup Guide

  1. Install virtual box.
  2. Install vagrant.
  3. Read the homestead doc page
  4. Setup Homestead environment
  5. Now clone the repo for the starter kit
git clone
  1. Go into your Homestead.yml file and add a site to match where you cloned the repo. Mine looks like this.

        - map: ~/vagrant/code
          to: /home/vagrant/Code
        - map:
          to: /home/vagrant/Code/Symfony/SymfonyStart/web
          type: symfony2
  2. Also add a database to your config

        - homestead
        - skfsp
  3. vagrant up and then do a vagrant provision in the homestead folder.

  4. vagrant ssh to ssh into the vagrant box.

  5. cd into the directory where your project is

  6. create a jwt directory in your var folder

    mkdir var/jwt
  7. create your private key with and write down the pass phrase you used.

    openssl genrsa -out var/jwt/private.pem -aes256 4096
  8. create your public key, you will need the pass phrase here and in the composer install step

    openssl rsa -pubout -in var/jwt/private.pem -out var/jwt/public.pem
  9. Run composer install

  10. Composer will ask for all the stuff you setup in the pre steps + jwt pass phrase & database info. Homestead root password stuff is below. You can always change this in the parameters.yml, fyi. here:

        app.database_user: homestead
        app.database_password: secret
        app.database_name: skfsp ## or whatever you named it in the config
  11. run migrations and this data fixtures script to load a default user.

       bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
       bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures="./src/AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/LoadStartUserData.php"
  12. Delete the .git folder

        rm -rf .git

You should then have the website setup. The user to login is:

email: / password: password

Then your done if you have any questions just ask!!! :)

Running Tests

This will run all the tests

    sh scripts/