This project is under development. See for the live version of this website.
The website is built with Jekyll and hosted on Github pages. It means that one needs to write the code on their machine in a git repository and then push it on Github. Then, Github will render the content as browsable static pages (with CSS/JS).
Jekyll is written in Ruby and Ruby packages are managed with gem
. So, as this
page states, you will need to have
Ruby and Gem installed on your computer.
Bundler is also a recommended gem (required?) to work with Jekyll.
Install jekyll and bundler with:
gem install jekyll bundler
Then, clone the code from this website in a folder on your computer:
git clone
And update the submodules:
Go into the directory and run the following to grab the dependencies (it may be rather long):
bundle install
Then, you should be able to run
bundle exec jekyll serve --config=_config.yml,_config-local.yml --livereload
to have Jekyll serve
a version of this website (you don't need any other web
server such as Apache or Nginx). A small message should tell you the state of
the rendering process and then invite you to open in your computer.
You may leave this terminal open and start hacking the code with your tool of choice, it will detect the changes and update automatically (a simple refresh of the page in the browser is needed though).
After a satisfactory version is obtained, don't forget to commit (git add <files>
git commit -m"<message>"
) your changes and push them on Github (git push
), so that
the world may see them. Obvisouly, try to not commit a broken version (ie: which does not
compile with Jekyll).
Contact Raphaël Fournier-S'niehotta.