Go CLI and Library for quickly mapping organization network ranges using ASN information.
Features • Installation • Usage • Running asnmap • Join Discord
- ASN to CIDR Lookup
- ORG to CIDR Lookup
- DNS to CIDR Lookup
- IP to CIDR Lookup
- ASN/DNS/IP/ORG input
- JSON/CSV/TEXT output
- STD IN/OUT support
asnmap requires Go 1.21 to install successfully. To install, just run the below command or download pre-compiled binary from release page.
go install github.com/projectdiscovery/asnmap/cmd/asnmap@latest
asnmap -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the flag it supports.
./asnmap [flags]
-a, -asn string[] target asn to lookup, example: -a AS5650
-i, -ip string[] target ip to lookup, example: -i, -i 2a10:ad40::
-d, -domain string[] target domain to lookup, example: -d google.com, -d facebook.com
-org string[] target organization to lookup, example: -org GOOGLE
-f, -file string[] targets to lookup from file
-config string path to the asnmap configuration file
-r, -resolvers string[] list of resolvers to use
-up, -update update asnmap to latest version
-duc, -disable-update-check disable automatic asnmap update check
-o, -output string file to write output to
-j, -json display json format output
-c, -csv display csv format output
-v6 display ipv6 cidr ranges in cli output
-v, -verbose display verbose output
-silent display silent output
-version show version of the project
ASNMap CLI is built on top of the ASNMap API that requires API Token from ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform that can be configured using environment variable or using interactive -auth
option as shown below.
export PDCP_API_KEY=*************
asnmap -auth
___ _____ __
/ _ | / __/ |/ /_ _ ___ ____
/ __ |_\ \/ / ' \/ _ / _ \
/_/ |_/___/_/|_/_/_/_/\_,_/ .__/
[INF] Get your free api key by signing up at https://cloud.projectdiscovery.io
[*] Enter PDCP API Key (exit to abort): *************
[INF] Successfully logged in as (@user)
asnmap support multiple inputs including ASN, IP, DNS and ORG name to query ASN/CIDR information.
Input | ASN | DNS | IP | ORG |
Example | AS14421 |
example.com | |
Input can be provided either using specific options or STDIN which accepts all the supported formats. Single, multiple (comma-separated) and file input is supported for all the options.
echo GOOGLE | ./asnmap -silent
Example input for asnmap:
asnmap -a AS45596 -silent
asnmap -i -silent
asnmap -d hackerone.com -silent
asnmap -org GOOGLE -silent
asnmap by default returns the CIDR range for given input.
echo GOOGLE | ./asnmap
___ _____ __
/ _ | / __/ |/ /_ _ ___ ____
/ __ |_\ \/ / ' \/ _ / _ \
/_/ |_/___/_/|_/_/_/_/\_,_/ .__/
/_/ v0.0.1
Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
asnmap by default displays CIDR range, and all the information is always available in JSON format, for automation and post processing using -json
output is most convenient option to use.
echo hackerone.com | ./asnmap -json -silent | jq
"timestamp": "2022-09-19 12:14:33.267339314 +0530 IST",
"input": "hackerone.com",
"as_number": "AS13335",
"as_name": "CLOUDFLARENET",
"as_country": "US",
"as_range": [
"timestamp": "2022-09-19 12:14:33.457401266 +0530 IST",
"input": "hackerone.com",
"as_number": "AS13335",
"as_name": "CLOUDFLARENET",
"as_country": "US",
"as_range": [
asnmap also support csv format output which has all the information just like JSON output
echo hackerone.com | ./asnmap -csv -silent
2022-09-19 12:15:04.906664007 +0530 IST|hackerone.com|AS13335|CLOUDFLARENET|US|,,
2022-09-19 12:15:05.201328136 +0530 IST|hackerone.com|AS13335|CLOUDFLARENET|US|2606:4700:9760::/44
Output of asnmap can be directly piped into other projects in workflow accepting stdin as input, for example:
echo AS54115 | asnmap | tlsx
echo AS54115 | asnmap | dnsx -ptr
echo AS54115 | asnmap | naabu -p 443
echo AS54115 | asnmap | naabu -p 443 | httpx
echo AS54115 | asnmap | naabu -p 443 | httpx | nuclei -id tech-detect
Examples of using asnmap from Go code are provided in the examples folder.
- Frank Denis for maintaining free IPtoASN database.
asnmap is made with ❤️ by the projectdiscovery team and distributed under MIT License.