- Pro
Official JavaScript repository for Clerk authentication
Controlling Insta360 cameras via BLE using an ESP32
Legend-State is a super fast and powerful state library that enables fine-grained reactivity and easy automatic persistence
The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app
💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.
Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP…
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
Lightweight React bindings for MobX based on React 16.8 and Hooks
🌲 Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment
🔮 Graphile's Crystal Monorepo; home to Grafast, PostGraphile, pg-introspection, pg-sql2 and much more!
jsbench.me - JavaScript performance benchmarking playground