Parse json like string to json object
$ npm install --save jsonfy
var jsonfy = require('jsonfy');
jsonfy('12') // result number: 12
jsonfy('"12"') // result string: '12'
jsonfy('[a, 2.5, true]') // result array : ['a', 2.5, true]
jsonfy('{a: a b c, f: 2e2}') // result object: {a: 'a b c', f: 200}
jsonfy('{str: abc, bool: true, number: 0.24, array: [1,2], emptyObj: {}}');
// return object: {str: 'abc', bool: true, number: 0.24, array: [1, 2], emptyObj: {}}
- Fully compatible with JSON string
- String can use single quote
- String don't need quote only if it is a number string or it contains characters
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Copyright (c) 2015 Zhonglei Qiu. Licensed under the MIT license.