- OpenWRT Official master source code + CTCGFW & Lean's packages code
- Default Management IP addr is, username:
, no password
Please setup the login password as soon as possible once you logined. - You may simply use "Upgrade" function in LuCI (no need to decompress the .gz archive) if you want to update it.
- Support USB LTE Hilink Dongle & USB Tethering.
- Can keeping configurations in upgrade is suggested, it's totally unnecessary to drop them.
- AccessControl, ADbyby, CFDisk, DDNS, DiskMan, FRP, Gost, SpeedTest-CLI, SSRPlus, Socat, Stress-ng, Tmate, UPNP, Wake-On-LAN, WireGuard, ZeroTier etc.
GNU General Public License v3.0