Demo project to show how to use Rahul Haque's Laravel Filepond package in Laravel Jetstream Vue Inertia project. Jump to the implementation directly by opening below files or install locally to tinker with various options.
- ./resources/js/Pages/Dashboard.vue - frontend logic.
- ./app/Http/Middleware/HandleInertiaRequests.php - csrf token share.
- ./routes/web.php - backend logic.
- PHP8 or greater
- Composer
- Npm
# Clone or download the repo
git clone
# `cd` into the project directory
cd laravel-filepond-vue-inertia-example
# Copy `.env.example` file as `.env`
# Edit `.env` variables if required
# Create a database named `laravel_filepond_vue_inertia_example`
cp .env.example .env
# Install packages
composer install
# Generate application key file
php artisan key:generate
# Install npm packages
npm install && npm run dev
# Migrate the database
php artisan migrate --seed
# Start the server
php artisan serve
Visit http://localhost:8000/#
Default user info.
- Email:
- Password: password
Any code improvement contribution or suggestions are welcome.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.