QuantStats Python library that performs portfolio profiling, allowing quants and portfolio managers to understand their performance better by providing them with in-depth analytics and risk metrics.
- for calculating various performance metrics, like Sharpe ratio, Win rate, Volatility, etc.quantstats.plots
- for visualizing performance, drawdowns, rolling statistics, monthly returns, etc.quantstats.reports
- for generating metrics reports, batch plotting, and creating tear sheets that can be saved as an HTML file.
Here's an example of a simple tear sheet analyzing a strategy:
%matplotlib inline
import quantstats as qs
# extend pandas functionality with metrics, etc.
# fetch the daily returns for a stock
stock = qs.utils.download_returns('META')
# show sharpe ratio
# or using extend_pandas() :)
qs.plots.snapshot(stock, title='Facebook Performance', show=True)
# can also be called via:
# stock.plot_snapshot(title='Facebook Performance', show=True)
You can create 7 different report tearsheets:
qs.reports.metrics(mode='basic|full", ...)
- shows basic/full metricsqs.reports.plots(mode='basic|full", ...)
- shows basic/full plotsqs.reports.basic(...)
- shows basic metrics and plotsqs.reports.full(...)
- shows full metrics and plotsqs.reports.html(...)
- generates a complete report as html
Let' create an html tearsheet
(benchmark can be a pandas Series or ticker)
qs.reports.html(stock, "SPY")
Output will generate something like this:
[f for f in dir(qs.stats) if f[0] != '_']
[f for f in dir(qs.plots) if f[0] != '_']
*** Full documenttion coming soon ***
In the meantime, you can get insights as to optional parameters for each method, by using Python's help
Help on function conditional_value_at_risk in module quantstats.stats:
conditional_value_at_risk(returns, sigma=1, confidence=0.99)
calculats the conditional daily value-at-risk (aka expected shortfall)
quantifies the amount of tail risk an investment
Install using pip
1. Install Python
Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
QuantStats supports Python 3.6 and above.
To check if Python is installed, open a terminal or command prompt and run:
.. code:: windows
python --version
Create a virtual environment: python -m venv myenv
Activate the virtual environment: .myenvScriptsactivate Mac - source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt pandas>=0.24.0 numpy>=1.16.5 seaborn>=0.9.0 matplotlib>=3.0.0 scipy>=1.2.0 tabulate>=0.8.0 yfinance>=0.1.70 python-dateutil>=2.0
ipython==8.27.0 // had to add
$ pip install quantstats --upgrade --no-cache-dir
python rp_stock.py
- Python >= 3.5+
- pandas (tested to work with >=0.24.0)
- numpy >= 1.15.0
- scipy >= 1.2.0
- matplotlib >= 3.0.0
- seaborn >= 0.9.0
- tabulate >= 0.8.0
- yfinance >= 0.1.38
- plotly >= 3.4.1 (optional, for using
This is a new library... If you find a bug, please open an issue in this repository.
If you'd like to contribute, a great place to look is the issues marked with help-wanted.
For some reason, I couldn't find a way to tell seaborn not to return the
monthly returns heatmap when instructed to save - so even if you save the plot (by passing savefig={...}
) it will still show the plot.
QuantStats is distributed under the Apache Software License. See the LICENSE.txt file in the release for details.
Please drop me a note with any feedback you have.
Ran Aroussi