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6fusion Adaptor Template is a REST service template, using padrinorb, designed in such a way that a developer can easily integrate their hypervisor or cloud system with the 6fusion framework.
Our goal with this template is to adhere to the essence of REST and at the same time create a standard template that will make creating a 6fusion Adaptor extremely easy.
Here is a brief overview of models requested by the 6fusion Engine Room:
- INode
This is where the iNode information that facilitates communication with the iNode is stored
- Capability
This is simply a model for building a capabilities array of actions/tasks that can be performed on the iNode
- Host
Represents a physical device in the cloud infrastrucutre that hosts virtual machines or software.
- HostReading
Represents the activity of a specific Host.
- Machine
Represents a virtual slice of the cloud infrastructure.
- MachineReading
Readings or Metrics that are gathered from the cloud infrastructure on a machine basis. (This is what is used to calculate the WAC.)
- MachineDisk
Represents a disk on the Machine that is used for storage or a mounted image for loading additional software.
- MachineDiskReading
Represents the activity of the specific disk/mounted image or MachineDisk.
- MachineNic
Represents a network interface on the machine.
- MachineNicReading
Represents the activity of the specific network interface or MachineNic.
To use the 6fusion Adaptor Template, simply…
Fork the latest version from github
$ git checkout {forked_repository}
Modify to suit
If you are looking to use a Java library for interaction with your cloud service, you’ll want to run this REST service as a jruby application. To do so is pretty simple.
In the Gemfile you’ll want to switch from the ‘thin’ gem to the ‘trinidad’ gem.
Comment Out Line #4 (gem ‘thin’ # or mongrel)
Uncomment Line #5 (gem ‘trinidad’, :platform => ‘jruby’)
If you are using rvm you’ll want to also uncomment a line in the .rvmrc file in the root of the project.
Line #22 (PROJECT_JRUBY_OPTS=( –1.9 ).
Finally if you haven’t done so run this command in your shell client.
chmod +x ${rvm_path}/hooks/after_use_jruby_opts
In order to use the template it is really simple. All you need to do is navigate to the models folder of your checkout and modify the class methods on the models to implement the requested information. You can use the yard documentation to get an idea of what to implement or read the comments above each of the methods.
You can access the yard documentation either through building it with the yard gem or using the hosted yard documentation
For additonal information that may be helpful developing your adaptor look here: Adaptor Template - Wiki
** Do NOT modify the INode model unless you have a specific storage strategy. This is the only model where a basic implementation has already been done for you.
The etc/init.d/adaptor-vmware will start/stop/restart the adaptor. It assumes the installation adaptor-vmware project is /opt/6fusion/adaptor-vmware and will start the project using the default Padriono/Thin client. To make use of these scripts:
$ mkdir -p /opt/6fusion $ cd /opt/6fusion $ git clone $ ln -s adaptor-vmware/etc/init.d/adaptor-vmware /etc/init.d/adaptor-vmware
Copyright 2012 6fusion, Inc. See LICENSE for details.