This gem enables a Rails app to define custom Chef recipes while still using an awesome default set of Chef recipes. Includes recipes for Ruby 1.9, postgresql, and nginx/passenger.
To use Elzar with your Rails app, see
If you'd like to try these Chef cookbooks with Vagrant:
$ git clone
$ cd elzar
$ gem install bundler
# creates a `provision` directory for local vagrant use
$ rake bam
$ cd provision
$ vim dna.json # edit DNA file to give a name to your Rails app with no whitespace (e.g., "my_sample_app")
$ bundle install
## Using Vagrant
Download and install VirtualBox (as instructed in the Vagrant
[Getting Started guide]( Then set up
your bundle and grab the Ubuntu Lucid VM image.
vagrant box add lucid64
## Spin up a new VM and run the Chef recipes on it
$ vagrant up
## SSH into the VM
$ vagrant ssh
## Destroy the VM
$ vagrant destroy
## Re-run Chef recipes on the VM
$ vagrant provision
## Stop/Start the VM
$ vagrant suspend
$ vagrant resume
The CLI tool (bin/elzar) is built on top of GLI
which is a command line parser modelled after Git. Normally any
exception that occurs while running a command results in only the error
message being displayed, not the backtrace. If you would like to view
the backtrace you must set the env variable GLI_DEBUG=true
GLI_DEBUG=true bundle exec bin/elzar foo
Please file issues on GitHub.