Vocab-build is a tool created to study English vocabulary from the command-line.
With it, you can:
- Add a word of your choice
- Download the audio file of the pronunciation of a word
- Add words from another
file (merge files) - Play and test yourself with a quiz
The project has a words.csv
file that contains 181 words and definitions, adapted from sat-words by Scholars' Academy. All the words you add are appended to this main file.
With the field names word
and definition
, the structure of the file simply looks like this:
arrogate,to take without justification
imperious,"commanding, domineering"
umbrage,"resentment, offense"
cogent,intellectually convincing
Vocab-build uses the Rich library to style the display, and format the output on the terminal.
Free Dictionary API is used for finding the definitions of words, as well as for finding the audio URL of a pronunciation.
git clone git@github.com:rivea0/vocab-build.git
cd vocab-build
python -m venv vb-env
python3 -m venv vb-env
source vb-env/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
If the program is run without any optional arguments (i.e., python project.py
), the opening screen like the one shown in the image below is displayed:
A "welcome" figlet (created with pyfiglet) is shown, followed by a table, informing the user of optional arguments to use to help them choose an action.
To add a word, the optional argument --word
or, -w
is used, followed by a word of choice.
python project.py -w [WORD]
Free Dictionary API is used to find the definition of the word. If the operation is successful, the word and its definition are added to the words.csv
file. The definition is displayed on the terminal as well as a message informing the user that the operation is successful as such:
To download the audio file of the pronunciation of a word, the optional argument --sound
or, -s
is used, followed by a word of choice.
python project.py -s [WORD]
Again, the Free Dictionary API is used to find the URL path of the audio file. If it exists, a folder called sounds
is created on the same path as the program, and a [WORD].mp3
is created inside it. For example, if the command looks like this for the first time:
python project.py -s arcane
Then, the newly created folder structure will simply look like this:
└── arcane.mp3
If the operation is successful, a success message will be displayed on the terminal.
To add multiple words from another csv
file, the optional argument --file
or, -f
is used, followed by the path of the file to merge.
python project.py -f [FILENAME].csv
Note that the file has to have a similar structure to the words.csv
, except the headers are not necessary.
If the operation is successful, the new words are added to words.csv
, and a success message is displayed on the terminal.
With the option --play
or, -p
, the user can play a "quiz game" where they are asked to find the correct definitions of words.
python project.py -p
A random word from the words.csv
file and four definitions (one of them being the correct one, and the rest being randomly chosen) are displayed.
The user enters the number of the definition they choose, and if it is correct, a success message is displayed before continuing to the next question.
If the user gives the wrong answer, an informing message as well as the correct answer is displayed before continuing to the next question.
The game continues until the user chooses to exit the game.
The project consists of four Python files, one of them being the test file, as well as the words.csv
file for the main vocabulary list, requirements.txt
for the packages used, and a README.md
with the folder that has the images used in this file.
is the main file that contains themain
function itself, it also contains functionality of adding arguments, adding/getting words to/fromwords.csv
, and handling the requests for getting definitions and the audio path.style_screen.py
handles the functionality of styling the terminal, such as creating a welcome figlet, creating panels, organizing the layout, and formatting the output.helpers.py
contains some helper functions such as creating the sounds folder and the mp3 file, resolving file path, getting random definitions, and handling user answers related to the "play" option.test_project.py
contains ten tests for all the functions inproject.py
as well as two functions instyle_screen.py
is the main file containing all the words and definitions.
The project requires the following packages:
- pyfiglet==1.0.2
- requests==2.31.0
- rich==12.5.1
For testing:
- pytest==7.2.0
Note: This project was initially created as the Final Project for CS50P.
Video demo: https://youtu.be/sdL7JMlujEU