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Simple e-commerce server made with Actix


  • Docker
  • Rust


Build and run with cargo:

cargo run

Setup Diesel

Using cargo install command, install diesel_cli binary:

cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

If theres no diesel.toml file in the project directory, run diesel setup to generate such file.

Then run migrations issuing:

diesel migration run

In order to create a new migration issue: diesel migration generate <migration name>


Method URL Req. Body Res. Body
GET /auth/# - {"username": String, "password": String }

Environment Variables

Description of the environment variables defined in the .env.sample.

Key Description
POSTGRES_USER PostgreSQL Database User
POSTGRES_PASSWORD PostgreSQL Database Password
DATABASE_URL PostgreSQL Database URL (Connection String)

System Requirements

Depending on your operative system you will probably need to install some packages to run this project.

Ubuntu 20

The following commands must be issued to have all the dependencies in place to build this project with cargo build on an Ubuntu 20 system.

# install build-essential
sudo apt install build-essential
# instal openssl ref:
sudo apt-get install pkg-config libssl-dev
# install libpq-dev to use diesel and postgresql
sudo apt install libpq-dev