Reads the version of your app from the target build settings.
We're looking for maintainers!
If you are using cordova-cli, install with:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-app-version
With a plain plugman, you should be able to install with something like:
plugman --platform <ios|android> --project <directory> --plugin
TODO: Write these instructions
TODO: Write these instructions
If you are using jQuery, AngularJS, WinJS or any Promise/A library (Bluebird), promise style is supported. Use something like:
cordova.getAppVersion.getVersionNumber().then(function (version) {
If not, pass a callback function:
cordova.getAppVersion.getVersionNumber(function (version) {
In addition to the version number you can also retrieve other details about your application:
Returns the name of the app. E.g. "My Awesome App"
Returns the package name of the app - the reversed domain name app identifier like com.example.myawesomeapp
Returns the build identifier of the app
Returns the version number of the app
Written by Robert (Jamie) Munro at White October
Various others have contributed fixes and new features. See the for details.
Original code based on the following Stack Overflow posts: