Capture was inspired by the mindfulness practice of recognizing moments of gratitude throughout one's day. Keeping a log of what stirs joy or contentment is the best way to stay in a state of gratitude in even the most mundane moments.
Users may scroll through all posts made to Capture in descending chronological order. All posts are visible to all visitors to the site. When the mood strikes, the user may click on the Create a Gratitude button on the home page to open the post creation page. After uploading a photo and writing a short statement of gratitude, they may click save to post it to the site. A timestamp is automatically applied to their post. If a revision is needed, the user may click on the open button present on each post, edit their text and update.
- Home Page
- Post Creation Page (with no file selected and no text entered)
- Post Creation Page (with file selector shown)
- Post Creation Page (just before clicking Save - thumbnail for file shown)
- Post Edit Page (after clicking Open on the Home Page)
- Text Edit Area Open (after clicking on Edit)
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- NodeJS
- Shari Hobbs - (
- Thanks to friends and slack community peeps who offered their time and valuable feedback.
- Special thanks for Robyn and Kacey for being my gratitude buddies.