All the language APIs have a fairly similar set of functions, though the specifics will be changed to fit with each language's coding standards (eg set_log in Python is setLog in Java, or ctx_set_log in PHP)
Tell context to start logging events to the given target
If filename is null / None / 0 / etc, stop logging to file
Implemented by:
- file:// - all APIs
- tcp:// - none yet
- udp:// - none yet
append defaults to true
Hook into the language runtime to automatically log when every function starts and ends
enabled = boolean, true to start profiling, false to stop
Implemented by:
- Python
location = where the code is
text = freeform text description of what's happening
Implemented by:
- ?
Log that an event has started
Some APIs add optional extra paramaters for "clear stack" and "set bookmark", so you can do all three things in one call
Shortcut to log_msg(getCurrentFunction(), text, "START")
Log that an event has finished successfully
Log that an event has finished with an error
Add a bookmark to the log
Clear the stack (it's possible that an app crash could cause a START event to be logged with no matching ENDOK; CLEAR will turn any currently unfinished events into ENDER)
A decorator to log at the start and end of a function
If a callback is specified, it will be passed the function name and paramaters, and it should return some text
Implemented by:
- Python