This project mimics the e-commerce website
Bundled with login and # functionality, frontend of the
project includes tons of items listed in the home page that
can be added to cart.
When navigated to the basket those items
will be displayed which can be removed from the basket as well.
There is a proceed to checkout button on the basket page which
will redirect you to the checkout page.
In the checkout page stripe payment is used to process a
card payment. After entering the card details you will have three
buttons "Buy Now", "Click to Confirm", "Proceed to Confirmation Page".
Dependencies used in the project are as follows
To deploy this project run
npm run build
Upload the build file to a hosting app. This App is hosted using Firebase.
After npm run build, any change in the application will have to updated using the npm run build command
firebase init--> Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting and (optionally) set up GitHub Action deploys
--> use existing project
--> public directory(build)
--> npm run build(be in directory)
--> firebase deploy
firebase emulators:start
git config --global ""
git config --global ""
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "Here is amazon clone "
git branch -M main
git remote add origin Link-to-app
git push -u -f origin master