Timesheet management Django application. The idea is to a have a single app to manage the working hours, plan vacations and keep track of the paychecks. The motivation for this project came from the fact that I just wanted to get rid of a bunch of Excel spreadsheets I was using to do this tasks
The current configuration is suited for my needs regarding the types of working hours provided by the Italian legislation e.g. CIGO, PAR, Vacation ecc.
Day Types:
- Working Day - WOD
- Non Working Day - NWD
Hours Type:
- Office Working Hours - WOH
- Extra Working Hours - EWO
- Vacation Hours - VAC
- PAR Hours - PAR
- CIGO Hours - CIG
- Mild Illness Hours - IND
- Sick Leave Hours - SIC
- Generic Permit Hours - GPH (e.g. Blood donation)
- Smartworking Hours - SMA
- Reduction of Working Hours - RWH
Monthly Paycheck
Also the working days/non working days are based on Italian legislation:
- New Year’s Day (Capodanno) – 01/01/2020
- Epiphany (Epifania) - 06/01/2020
- Easter Monday (Lunedì di Pasqua) – 13/04/2020
- Liberation Day (Liberazione dal nazifascismo) - 25/04/2020
- Labour Day (Festa del lavoro) - 01/05/2020
- Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica) - 02/06/2020
- Assumption of Mary (Assunzione di Maria) – 15/08/2020
- All Saint’s Day (Ognissanti) - 01/11/2020
- Saint Ambrose Patron of Milan (Sant'Ambrogio Patrono di Milano) - 07/12/2020 (only valid for Milan)
- Immaculate Conception (Immacolata Concezione) - 08/12/2020
- Christmas Day (Natale di Gesù) - 25/12/2020
- St. Stephen’s Day (Santo Stefano) - 26/12/2020
Some dummy data is present in the database db.sqlite3
that can be used as reference
This project uses Python 3.8.2 and the following libraries:
More informations in requirements.txt
. To create it I have used python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
. To install all Python packages written in the requirements.txt file run pip install -r requirements.txt
The calendar views are based on this awesome post from www.huiwenteo.com
The dropdown is from this post from https://bootstrapious.com
To run the application python manage.py runserver
. The default url to connect to it is
The django application
In the home we have a list of already created Years and we can also Add or Delete a new Year. We can also use a massive edit feature
In the Report section we can select the Years we want to consider and have a summary of the Day Type, Working Hours Type and Paychecks
When selecting an Year we can see a detailed view of the year in which we can change the Day Type for a given day
When selecting a Month we have a detailed calendar view in which we can change the composition of the Working Day
Results are better explained in this blog post
Thank you