- Denmark
- http://www.pecee.dk
Reactivity without the framework
Youtube client based on Invidious API for Java devices with MIDP 2.0 support
JSON library for Java, compatible with CLDC 1.1 & JDK 1.1
Fast and lightweight DOM diffing/patching (no virtual DOM needed)
DiSlord / NanoVNA-App
Forked from erikkaashoek/NanoVNA-AppJust another Windows software app for the NanoVNA's
A library for comparing two HTML files/snippets and highlighting the differences using simple HTML. Includes support for comparing complex lists and tables
Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser
Android Messages as a Cross-platform Desktop App
Convert a boolean search query into a query that is compatible with a fulltext search.
Simple, lightweight PHP-SDK for accessing subtitles from OpenSubtitles.org
Simple, lightweight PHP-SDK for searching and downloading subtitles from Subscene.com
Dot notation support for JSON-like syntax for easily creating arrays in PHP.
Simple turbolink-like functionality for jQuery.
A automatic installer for getting and compiling Xen Orchestra from source.
Plugin to Emby Media Server which provides instant access in your video library for remote video on demand (M3U8) playlists. Useful for remote IPTV services which provides VOD access.
Lightweight, easy-to-use querybuilder for PHP inspired by Laravel Eloquent - but with less overhead.
Small, lightweight PHP-SDK for v2 of the Dropbox api.
Example project for the Pecee Framework
Extremely simple and lightweight PHP spam validator class to add an small additional layer of security.
Easy, simple and fast torrent tracker
XAMPP Website Manager Windows application (aka. XWM) is a Windows desktop application that automaticially configures XAMPP configuration for both Apache, MySQL and more.