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jsonpatch is a Go library to create JSON patches (RFC6902) directly from arbitrary Go objects and facilitates the implementation of sophisticated custom (e.g. filtered, validated) patch creation.


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jsonpatch is a Go library to create JSON patches (RFC6902) directly from arbitrary Go objects and facilitates the implementation of sophisticated custom (e.g. filtered, validated) patch creation.

Basic Example

package main

import (


type Person struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int    `json:"age"`

func main() {
	original := &Person{
		Name: "John Doe",
		Age:  42,
	updated := &Person{
		Name: "Jane Doe",
		Age:  21,

	patch, _ := jsonpatch.CreateJSONPatch(updated, original)
[{"op":"replace","path":"/name","value":"Jane Doe"},{"op":"replace","path":"/age","value":21}]


Filter patches using Predicates

The option WithPredicate sets a patch Predicate which can be used to filter or validate the patch creation. For each kind of patch (add, remove and replace) a dedicated filter function can be configured. The predicate will be checked before a patch is created, or the JSON object is processed further.


package main

import (


type Job struct {
	Position  string `json:"position"`
	Company   string `json:"company"`
	Volunteer bool   `json:"volunteer"`

func main() {
	original := []Job{
		{Position: "IT Trainer", Company: "Powercoders", Volunteer: true},
		{Position: "Software Engineer", Company: "Github"},
	updated := []Job{
		{Position: "Senior IT Trainer", Company: "Powercoders", Volunteer: true},
		{Position: "Senior Software Engineer", Company: "Github"},

	patch, _ := jsonpatch.CreateJSONPatch(updated, original, jsonpatch.WithPredicate(jsonpatch.Funcs{
		ReplaceFunc: func(pointer jsonpatch.JSONPointer, value, _ interface{}) bool {
			// only update volunteering jobs
			if job, ok := value.(Job); ok {
				return job.Volunteer
			return true
[{"op":"replace","path":"/0/position","value":"Senior IT Trainer"}]

Create partial patches

The option WithPrefix is used to specify a JSON pointer prefix if only a sub part of JSON structure needs to be patched, but the patch still need to be applied on the entire JSON object.


package main

import (


type Person struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int    `json:"age"`
	Jobs []Job  `json:"jobs"`

type Job struct {
	Position  string `json:"position"`
	Company   string `json:"company"`
	Volunteer bool   `json:"volunteer"`

func main() {
	original := &Person{
		Name: "John Doe",
		Age:  42,
		Jobs: []Job{{Position: "IT Trainer", Company: "Powercoders"}},
	updated := []Job{
		{Position: "Senior IT Trainer", Company: "Powercoders", Volunteer: true},
		{Position: "Software Engineer", Company: "Github"},
	patch, _ := jsonpatch.CreateJSONPatch(updated, original.Jobs, jsonpatch.WithPrefix(jsonpatch.ParseJSONPointer("/jobs")))
[{"op":"replace","path":"/jobs/0/position","value":"Senior IT Trainer"},{"op":"replace","path":"/jobs/0/volunteer","value":true},{"op":"add","path":"/jobs/1","value":{"position":"Software Engineer","company":"Github","volunteer":false}}]

Ignore slice order

There are two options to ignore the slice order:

  • IgnoreSliceOrder will ignore the order of all slices of built-in types (e.g. int, string) during the patch creation and will instead use the value itself in order to match and compare the current and modified JSON.
  • IgnoreSliceOrderWithPattern allows to specify for which slices the order should be ignored using JSONPointer patterns (e.g. /jobs, /jobs/*). Furthermore, the slice order of structs (and pointer of structs) slices can be ignored by specifying a JSON field which should be used to match the struct values.

NOTE: Ignoring the slice order only works if the elements (or the values used to match structs) are unique


package main

import (


type Person struct {
	Name       string   `json:"name"`
	Pseudonyms []string `json:"pseudonyms"`
	Jobs       []Job    `json:"jobs"`

type Job struct {
	Position  string `json:"position"`
	Company   string `json:"company"`
	Volunteer bool   `json:"volunteer"`

func main() {
	original := Person{
		Name:       "John Doe",
		Pseudonyms: []string{"Jo", "JayD"},
		Jobs: []Job{
			{Position: "Software Engineer", Company: "Github"},
			{Position: "IT Trainer", Company: "Powercoders"},
	updated := Person{
		Name:       "John Doe",
		Pseudonyms: []string{"Jonny", "Jo"},
		Jobs: []Job{
			{Position: "IT Trainer", Company: "Powercoders", Volunteer: true},
			{Position: "Senior Software Engineer", Company: "Github"},

	patch, _ := jsonpatch.CreateJSONPatch(updated, original,
		jsonpatch.IgnoreSliceOrderWithPattern([]jsonpatch.IgnorePattern{{Pattern: "/*", JSONField: "company"}}),
[{"op":"add","path":"/pseudonyms/2","value":"Jonny"},{"op":"remove","path":"/pseudonyms/1"},{"op":"replace","path":"/jobs/1/volunteer","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/jobs/0/position","value":"Senior Software Engineer"}]


jsonpatch is a Go library to create JSON patches (RFC6902) directly from arbitrary Go objects and facilitates the implementation of sophisticated custom (e.g. filtered, validated) patch creation.







Contributors 3

