Sample Application using SQL Components using mysql as the database. We will use movie database as sample database. Once we run this app, SQL Components will generate persistence for the given database (init.db/postgres/movie.sql).
We need to start the mysql db and initialize database.
docker-compose up -d
-d option for demon
We need to configure maven to pull artifacts from github packages
github repo:
- set OS environment variables as in sample-app\src\main\res.m2.m2.env - don't put this info in git code, as it is sensitive & private info, file is created just for reference only
docker-compose up -d
, it would create Database and Tables as per sample-app\init.db\mysql\init.sql, with credentials as in sample-app\src\main\resources\application.yml if any connection errors, it means init.sql has not run and tables are not created, try running manually or usedocker-compose down --volumes
[optional only when sql error is seen to recreate the default tables]
3. mvn --s src/main/res/.m2/settings.xml clean package
or (for debug mode)
mvn --s src/main/res/.m2/settings.xml -X clean package
mvn --s src/main/res/.m2/settings.xml help:active-profiles
mvn --settings src/main/res/.m2/settings.xml dependency:get -Dartifact=org.sqlcomponents:maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT
mvn versions:use-latest-releases
mvn clean install -X, works with JDK 17.0.2 but not JDK 20.0.1
tested - works on podman too - on 18th Oct 2022