Personal save files for the imaginary super-teeny-tiny robot programming game EXAPUNKS.
Spoiler warning since the file names imply the theme of the challenges. But you might have already been exposed since GitHub puts the README preview after the file list. ^_^;
Currently saving the native-format solution files that are produced by the game.
I'll revisit the readability of this repo later, after making additional progress.
So far, is unhappy with previewing the solutions, but you can output the ASCII with cat
or less
If these save games are useful or interesting, take comfort that I don't care to enforce some arbitrary copyright on some fun game-related code; just don't inexplicably harm yourself with it. (Though that would be impressive, given the imaginary architecture!)
GitHub's explanation for No License.
Feel free to reach out to me if there's any concern. Most likely response is I don't mind; what nefarious business could you possibly perpetrate with a bunch of faux-assembler instructions?
That said, since I'm planning on posting unoptimized solutions while working through a first pass of the game, I'm sure you (dear reader) can do much better with some careful code bumming.
~ Alan Shen