A tool helps you manage cscope/ctags tags
pip install cscope-manager
You can create a config file in ~/.csmgr.config to customize your preference
# Supported configurations and format
project_list = .csmgr.project
suffixes = .cpp
out_list = map.files
meta_files = cscope.in.out cscope.out cscope.po.out tags
exclude_dirs = dir
# Note: Only supprot $out_list. Not support other variables interpolation
exec_cmds = cscope -bqk -i $out_list && ctags -L $out_list
display_max = 20
delim = ........................................
delim_end = ****************************************
- Generate file list (cscope.files) for cscope/ctags through a customize project list (.csmgr.project)
- Remove duplicate file pathes in cscope.files
- Remove symbolic link in cscope.files
- Remove not existed files in cscope.files
- Check redudant path in project list
usage: csmgr [-h] [-u] [-f] [-p PROJECT_LIST] [-s SUFFIXES] [-i INCLUDE_FILES]
[-d] [--dry-run] [--max-display MAX_DISPLAY] [-x EXEC_CMDS]
[--verbose] [-v]
[path [path ...]]
positional arguments:
path add path to project list (.csmgr.project) and run
commands for tag generation if cscope.files is changed
ex. dir/, file.c
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --update Update cscope.files if necessary and run commands for
tag generation
-f, --force delete meta data and run commands for tag generation
-p PROJECT_LIST, --project-list PROJECT_LIST
assign project list (default: .csmgr.project)
-s SUFFIXES, --suffixes SUFFIXES
assign suffixes filter (default: .cc .c .h .js .cpp
.py .scss .css .java)
as#clude files (default: )
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
assign config file (default: ~/.csmgr.config,
-o OUT_LIST, --out-list OUT_LIST
assign the name of output list file (default:
-m META_FILES, --meta-files META_FILES
assign meta data files (default: cscope.in.out
cscope.out cscope.po.out tags)
-e EXCLUDE_DIRS, --exclude-dirs EXCLUDE_DIRS
assign exclude dirs (default: .git node_modules)
-d, --delete-meta delete all meta data
--dry-run show what would be done
--max-display MAX_DISPLAY
assign how many paths will be shown in the log
-x EXEC_CMDS, --exec-cmds EXEC_CMDS
assign commands for tag generation. $out_list will be
replaced by list file name (check -o for details). Use
&& concat multiple commands (default: cscope -bqk -i
$out_list && ctags -L $out_list)
--verbose show more logs
-v, --version show program's version number and exit