Script for getting data filtered or full from NASK ESA Air Quality project.
Can be used to list filtered view per (city, postal-code, street or full school name) or without any filtering all schools at once in two modes:
- JSON output
- Table human readable
Allow for easy importing the real time data into timeseries databases using Influxdata Telegraf. Two modes available:
- Telegraf interval exec with output parsing exec
- Sending into Telegraf HTTP input via HTTP in Influx format
With filtering we can generate metrics for example in whole city or postal-code in our neigborhood without knowing specific school (station id) whoch is more effective by grabbing all data in one API call.
python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-d] [-c CITY] [-p POST_CODE] [-s STREET] [-n SCHOOL_NAME] [-m {table,json,telegraf-exec,telegraf-http}] [-o LONGITUDE] [-a LATITUDE] [-t TELEGRAF_HTTP_URL] [-l TTL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug
-c CITY, --city CITY
-p POST_CODE, --post-code POST_CODE
-s STREET, --street STREET
-n SCHOOL_NAME, --school-name SCHOOL_NAME
-m {table,json,telegraf-exec,telegraf-http}, --mode {table,json,telegraf-exec,telegraf-http}
-a LATITUDE, --latitude LATITUDE
-l TTL, --ttl TTL Cache TTL for HTTP GET in elevation data and ESA API calls
default for -t TELEGRAF_HTTP_URL
is http://localhost:8186/write
default for -m {table,json,telegraf-exec,telegraf-http}, --mode {table,json,telegraf-exec,telegraf-http}
is json
Script can be used in multiple modes to output data in:
- json - JSON with proper indent for better reading
- table - Human readable table formating
- telegraf-http - Telegraf HTTP listener sending in influx format
- telegraf-exec - Telegraf as Exec output in influx format
All available attributes based on API can be used for filtering. Some like school name are very difficult to use as there is Full School name there, but there are more usable options like:
- -c CITY, --city CITY
- -p POST_CODE, --post_code POST_CODE
- -s STREET, --street STREET
- -n SCHOOL_NAME, --school_name SCHOOL_NAME
- -o LONGITUDE, --longitude LONGITUDE
- -a LATITUDE, --latitude LATITUDE
With filtering we can add more to expand for example we would like to get all from specific city and extending by additional postal codes that belongs to some place close to city for example
/usr/local/bin/python-nask-esa --mode json --city tarnów --post-code 33-101
python3 -m json --longitude=21.2213906 --latitude=52.2233683
"details": {
"city": "WARSZAWA",
"latitude": "52.2233683",
"longitude": "21.2213906",
"post_code": "05-077",
"measurements": {
"elevation": 104.8543701171875,
"humidity_avg": 59.041666666666664,
"pm10_avg": 19.816666666666666,
"pm25_avg": 15.241666666666667,
"pressure_avg": 1009.6666666666666,
"pressure_sea_avg": 1021.8773859644494,
"temperature_avg": 24.558333333333334
"timestamp": "2023-09-10 11:08:01"
python3 -m table --longitude=21.2213906 --latitude=52.2233683
details measurements timestamp
city WARSZAWA NaN 2023-09-10 11:08:01
latitude 52.2233683 NaN 2023-09-10 11:08:01
longitude 21.2213906 NaN 2023-09-10 11:08:01
name SZKOŁA PODSTAWOWA NR 173 IM. GÓRNIKÓW POLSKICH... NaN 2023-09-10 11:08:01
post_code 05-077 NaN 2023-09-10 11:08:01
street INNE TRAKT BRZESKI NaN 2023-09-10 11:08:01
elevation NaN 104.854370 2023-09-10 11:08:01
humidity_avg NaN 59.041667 2023-09-10 11:08:01
pm10_avg NaN 19.816667 2023-09-10 11:08:01
pm25_avg NaN 15.241667 2023-09-10 11:08:01
pressure_avg NaN 1009.666667 2023-09-10 11:08:01
pressure_sea_avg NaN 1021.877386 2023-09-10 11:08:01
temperature_avg NaN 24.558333 2023-09-10 11:08:01
Example Telegraf configuration
interval = "10s"
commands = ["/usr/local/bin/python-nask-esa --mode telegraf-exec --longitude=21.2213906 --latitude=52.2233683"]
timeout = "10s"
data_format = "influx"
db = "nask-esa"
urls = [""]
database = "nask-esa"
username = "nask-esa"
skip_database_creation = true
precision = "s"
flush_interval = "30s"
metric_buffer_limit = "20000"
db = ["nask-esa"]
Above example will run our python script every 10 seconds in telegraf exec influxdata protocol formtat with additional db tag with 10 seconds timeout for operation. After this Telegraf will output this produced metrics into InfluxDB output or any other telegraf suported output in this case VictoriaMetrics InfluxDB compatible listener with 20k metrics in memory buffer (nice if we have some network issues or external connectivity we will not lost any metric until this host restart).
Telegraf as HTTP writer to Telegraf listener (
Example Telegraf configuration
service_address = ":8188"
read_timeout = "10s"
write_timeout = "10s"
max_body_size = 0
db = "nask-esa"
urls = [""]
database = "nask-esa"
username = "nask-esa"
skip_database_creation = true
precision = "s"
flush_interval = "30s"
metric_buffer_limit = "20000"
db = ["nask-esa"]
and to use this we can start our script as cron every minute
/usr/local/bin/python-nask-esa --mode telegraf-http --longitude=21.2213906 --latitude=52.2233683 --telegraf-url http://localhost:8188/write
This just send data over HTTP to local or external Telegraf listener which is also used for stats and later is same as with exec. Telegraf will send to any output we create and buffer metrics.
Main difference between exec and http is that with HTTP we have additional stats that include esa api calls and telegraf writing over http which allow us to monitor whole process end-to-end if all is working properly or if we have any degradation.
Exec allow only to see any issues in telegraf logs.
With HTTP we can run with --debug
the whole script we use in Cron and will produce all info about Telegraf writing codes with count and all stats metrics that are produced and written to Telegraf.
Main metrics and additional stats from HTTP sending will we under this measurements defined in script code
measurement_name = "nask_esa" # for metrics generation and sending
measurement_name_stats = "nask_esa_stats" # this measurement name will be used for stats generated in telegraf-http sending
Unde above measurement nask_esa
we will have specific tags and fields. They comes JSON details and measurements. details will be exposed as tags and measurements as firelds.
nask_esa,city=WARSZAWA,latitude=52.2233683,longitude=21.2213906,name=SZKOŁA\ PODSTAWOWA\ NR\ 173\ IM.\ GÓRNIKÓW\ POLSKICH\ W\ WARSZAWIE,post_code=05-077,street=INNE\ TRAKT\ BRZESKI humidity_avg=90.1583,pm10_avg=51.0583,pm25_avg=32.8167,pressure_avg=999.1167,temperature_avg=3.4500 1673267291000000000
- humidity_avg
- pm10_avg
- pm25_avg
- pressure_avg
- temperature_avg
- pressure_sea_avg
- elevation
- city
- latitude
- longitude
- name
- post_code
- street
For stats with measurement name nask_esa_stats
data we will produce fields and tags like bellow.
nask_esa_stats,write_status_code=204,esa_api_status_code=200 count=1,write_request_time=0.00306,esa_api_request_time=0.138642 1673298668000000000
nask_esa_stats,write_status_code=204,esa_api_status_code=200 count=1,write_request_time=0.003004,esa_api_request_time=0.138642 1673298668000000000
nask_esa_stats,write_status_code=204,esa_api_status_code=200 count=1,write_request_time=0.003053,esa_api_request_time=0.138642 1673298668000000000
nask_esa_stats,write_status_code=204,esa_api_status_code=200 count=1,write_request_time=0.004911,esa_api_request_time=0.138642 1673298668000000000
nask_esa_stats,write_status_code=204,esa_api_status_code=200 count=1,write_request_time=0.004465,esa_api_request_time=0.138642 1673298668000000000
nask_esa_stats,write_status_code=204,esa_api_status_code=200 count=1,write_request_time=0.004983,esa_api_request_time=0.138642 1673298668000000000
nask_esa_stats,write_status_code=204,esa_api_status_code=200 count=1,write_request_time=0.003016,esa_api_request_time=0.138642 1673298668000000000
- esa_api_request_time - ESA API request time measured from script running
- write_request_time - Write time over HTTP to Telegraf listener
- esa_api_status_code - HTTP status code from ESA API
- write_status_code - HTTP status code from Telegraf write
Based on Telegraf data we can graph the data
We can also see internal stats for Telegraf processing and NASK API times for requests