Script to export Medium blogs to wordpress rss xml format
There are many methods for exporting individual user blogs from Medium to wordpress but we didn't find an easy way to move entire medium publication to wordpress so this script can help you to migrate both personal or publication medium blogs to wordpress.
Download the package
git clone
cd medium-to-wordpress-migration
npm install
Extract using Publication URL (
node . -p
Extract using URLs files
node . -u <your-medium.urls.txt>
- Keep one URL per line in your-medium.urls.txt
Extract using URLs as command line argument
node . -U "url1,url2"
Extract using HTML of (, or
- Keep scroll till the end and then follow the below instructions
(This is for Chrome and might vary for your browser)
- Use any text editor to save as <your-medium-listing.html> file.
node . -h <your-medium-listing.html>
- Github Gist using gist-github-shortcode plugin
- Figures
- Caching
- Caches the URL output in downloadedUrls folder to avoid downloading the same URL again and again.