Metis is a library for data validation in Clojure inspired by Active Record Validations.
Validations are used to ensure that the data coming from user input is valid. For example, when a user inputs their email address, it is important to ensure that the email looks like an email (
- Clojure 1.4+
:dependencies [[metis "0.3.0"]]
defvalidator is a macro that allows you to quickly define a validator function. There are many ways to use the defvalidator dsl to define your validation rules. Let's look at all the possible ways.
(use 'metis.core)
(defvalidator user-validator
[:first-name :presence])
(defvalidator user-validator
[:first-name :presence {:message "Please input your first name."}])
(defvalidator user-validator
[[:first-name :last-name] :presence])
(defvalidator user-validator
[[:first-name :last-name] :presence {:message "This field is required."}])
(defvalidator user-validator
[:first-name [:presence :length]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[:first-name [:presence :length {:equal-to 5}]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[:first-name [:presence {:message "gotta have it!"} :length]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[:first-name [:presence {:message "gotta have it!"} :length {:equal-to 5}]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[[:first-name :last-name] [:presence :length]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[[:first-name :last-name] [:presence :length {:equal-to 5}]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[[:first-name :last-name] [:presence {:message "gotta have it!"} :length]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[[:first-name :last-name] [:presence {:message "gotta have it!"} :length {:equal-to 5}]])
(defvalidator user-validator
[[:address :first-name :last-name :phone-number :email] :presence]
[:first-name :with {:validator (fn [attr] false) :message "error!"}]
[:last-name :formatted {:pattern #"some pattern" :message "wrong formatting!"}])
(user-validator {:first-name nil :last-name "Smith" :phone-number "123456789" :email "snap.into@slim.jim"}
; {:address ["is not present"], :first-name ["error!" "is not present"], :last-name ["wrong formatting!"]}
These options are shared by all validators, custom or built-in.
Provide a custom message upon failure.:allow-nil
Allow the value to be nil. Defaultfalse
Allow the value to be blank (i.e. empty string or empty collection). Defaultfalse
Allow the value to be blank or nil. Same as:allow-blank true :allow-nil true
. Defaultfalse
Specifiy the contexts in which the validation should be run. Default[]
(all contexts).:except
Specifiy the contexts in which the validation should not be run. Default[]
(no contexts).:if
A function that takes a map and returns true if the validation should be run. Default(fn [attrs] true)
A function that takes map and returns true if the validation should not be run. Default(fn [attrs] false)
Even though Metis has many built-in validators, you will probably need to define your own at some point. Custom validators are defined in the same way that the built-in validators are defined, as functions.
A validator is simply a function that takes in a map and returns an error or nil. As an example, let's look at the built-in presence validator.
(defn presence [map key _]
(when-not (present? (get map key))
"must be present")))
As you can see, this is a very simple validator. It checks if the value is present and returns an error if it is not. This is the structure of all the validators in Metis. Every validator takes in the map, the key to be validated, and a map of options. The presence validator, however, does not take in any options, so the third option is ignored.
Lets define a custom validator that checks if every charater is an 'a'.
(defn all-a [map key options]
(when-not (every? #(= "a" (str %)) (get map key))
"not all a's"))
(all-a {:thing "aaa"} :thing {})
; nil
(all-a {:thing "abc"} :thing {})
; "not all a's"
(defvalidator first-name-with-only-a
[:first-name :all-a])
(first-name-with-only-a {:first-name "aaa"})
(first-name-with-only-a {:first-name "abc"})
;{:first-name ["not all a's"]}
As I said before, validators are functions that accept a map, key and options. The function produced by the defvalidator
macro also adheres to this interface, meaning that it can be reused in the same manner as custom validators. Let's take a look at how we can use this simple feature to validate nested maps.
(defvalidator :country
[[:code :name] :presence])
(defvalidator :address
[[:line-1 :line-2 :zipcode] :presence]
[:nation :country])
(defvalidator :person
[:address :address]
[:first-name :presence])
(person {})
; {:address {:zipcode ["must be present"], :line-2 ["must be present"], :line-1 ["must be present"], :nation {:name ["must be present"], :code ["must be present"]}}, :first-name ["must be present"]}
(person {:first-name "Myles" :address {:zipcode "60618" :line-1 "515 W Jackson Blvd." :line-2 "Floor 5" :nation {:code 1 :name "United States"}}})
; {}
Often times, the set of validations to run is not cut and dry. Consider a payment form in which the user can opt to input their credit card number or PayPal information. If they select credit card, we have to validate that the credit card number is formatted correctly. If they select PayPal, we have to validate the email address.
This can be accomplished using the :if
and :if-not
options. The :if
option is used to specify when the validation should happen. The :if-not
option is used to specify when the validation should not happen.
(defn payment-type [attrs]
(= (:payment-type attrs) "card"))
(defvalidator :if-conditional
[:card-number :presence {:if payment-type}])
(defvalidator :if-not-conditional
[:card-number :presence {:if-not payment-type}])
(if-conditional {})
; {}
(if-conditional {:payment-type "card"})
; {:card-number ["must be present"]}
(if-not-conditional {})
; {:card-number ["must be present"]}
(if-not-conditional {:payment-type "card"})
; {}
Often times, a set of data, say a user's profile, will have multiple forms in an application; possibly one form for creating the profile and another for updating. It can be useful to share the same validations across both of these forms, especially if there are many shared validations between them. However, there is always going to be some pesky field that is required for one form and not the other. To solve this, we can use contexts. The :only
option is used to specify the contexts in which the validation should be run. The :except
option is used to specify the contexts from which the validation should be excluded.
(defvalidator user-validator
[:first-name :presence {:only :creation :message "error!"}]
[:last-name :formatted {:pattern #"some pattern" :only [:updating :saving] :message "wrong formatting!"}]
[:address :presence {:message "You must have an address." :except [:updating]}])
(user-validator {}) ; when no context is specified, all validations are run
; {:first-name ["error!"], :last-name ["wrong formatting!"], :address ["You must have an address."]}
(user-validator {} :creation)
; {:first-name ["error!"], :address ["You must have an address."]}
(user-validator {} :updating)
; {:last-name ["wrong formatting!"]}
(user-validator {} :saving)
; {:last-name ["wrong formatting!"], :address ["You must have an address."]}
(user-validator {} :somewhere-else)
; {:address ["You must have an address."]}
Note: the context names here are arbitrary; they can be anything.
Clone the master branch, build, and run all the tests:
git clone
cd metis
lein deps
lein spec
Make patches and submit them along with an issue (see below).
Post issues on the metis github project:
Copyright (C) 2012 Myles Megyesi All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.