- Ensure you have http server i.e. Apache with PHP and MYSQL installed and working.
- You will need to have rsyslog storing logs in mysql, so install rsyslog and rsyslog-mysql
- Create a table for syslog entries and user that can SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, FILE for that table only
- Add the following to /etc/rsyslog.conf to enable logs to be stored in mysql
$ModLoad ommysql
*.* :ommysql:,SyslogTableName,SQLUSER,SQLPASSWORD
- Restart the rsyslog service
Clone from github `git clone "https://github.com/Tiny-Lama/rsyslog-webui.git" /var/www/html/syslog-ui
Create the required config from the template `cp /var/www/html/syslog/config-template.php /var/www/html/syslog/config.php
Modify your config file, this is where you will need your mysql database details. ` sudo nano /var/www/html/syslog/config.php
Create a scheduled task for database clean-up. Open crontab `sudo crontab -e:
Modify crontab by pasting this at the end of the file and save (CTRL+O).
1 0 * * * cd /var/www/html/maintenance; /usr/bin/php ./db-maintenance.php
Then test in your web browser: http://localhost/syslog-ui