tavanaei / Cancer-Suppressor-Gene-Deep-Learning Star 10 Code Issues Pull requests Cancer Suppressor Gene and Oncogene Prediction using Deep Learning (CNN) deep-learning cancer protein-structure torch convolutional-neural-networks oncogene tumor-suppressor-gene Updated Mar 7, 2018 Lua
KarchinLab / probabilistic2020 Star 8 Code Issues Pull requests Simulates somatic mutations, and calls statistically significant oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes based on a randomization-based test bioinformatics cancer somatic-variants driver-genes oncogene tumor-suppressor-gene Updated Jul 6, 2023 Python
AmyL19 / DriverFinder Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests bioinformatics cancer driver-genes ngs computational-biology mutations biopython cancer-genomics oncogene cancer-research hbv ngs-analysis fastq-files driver-gene-prediction cancer-detection ngs-data hcc hepatocellular-carcinoma hbv-mutations hcc-ngs-datasets Updated Dec 18, 2017