Trails is a modern, community-driven web application framework for Node.js. It builds on the pedigree of Rails and Grails to accelerate development by adhering to a straightforward, convention-based, API-driven design philosophy.
$ npm install -g yo generator-trails
$ yo trails
Trails uses Yeoman to generate scaffolding for new applications, and to create resources inside the application.
$ yo trails --help
yo trails
Create New Model
yo trails:model <model-name>
Create New Controller
yo trails:controller <controller-name>
Create New Policy
yo trails:policy <policy-name>
Create New Service
yo trails:service <service-name>
Once installation is complete, begin your journey!
$ node server.js
Trailpacks extend the framework's capabilities and allow developers to leverage existing ecosystem tools through a simple and well-defined API. New features, behavior, APIs, and other functionality can be added to the Trails framework through Trailpacks.
Many Trails installations will include some of the following Trailpacks:
- Windows, Mac, and Linux
- Node 7.0 and newer
See for complete documentation.
We love contributions! Please check out our Contributor's Guide for more information on how our projects are organized and how to get started.