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Releases: typedb/typedb-console

TypeDB Console 3.1.0-rc1

21 Mar 17:13
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.1.0-rc1

New Features

Rust console

We re-implement TypeDB console in Rust, using a slightly more sophisticated architecture. Most of the UX of the console remains the same, with the exception of three usages:

  • TLS enabled by default

TypeDB console enables TLS connections by default. This further will error if you try to connect to an HTTP endpoint, instead of an HTTPS one. This change was required because username and password are now required to connect to the any TypeDB 3.0 server.

To disable TLS (for example, for local development), use the --tls-disabled flag when booting TypeDB console. Note that this will send passwords in plaintext over the network.

  • Replacement of --core=<address> and --cloud=<address> with --address=<address>

To connect to a TypeDB server (either a Core/CE 3.0, or a Cloud 3.0 deployment) use the new --address=<address> argument to the console.

  • The command to open a transaction has changed
>> transaction <db> <read|write|schema>

Has become:

>> transaction <read|write|schema> <db>

Note how the position of the database name has been swapped.


This repository is now supports dual Bazel/Cargo build systems.

To run TypeDB console directly from this repository, please see the updated README!


As before, Console will be published as platform-specific archives. However, they now contain a single bash/bat file and the compiled console binary. No more Java libs or requirement to have Java installed!

We also no longer deploy a console-runner artifact, since it was only used to run the local assembly test. The assembly test is now written in rust, using an unpublished, repository-local runner library that drives both a Server and a Console in the test.


Some details of the TypeDB Console UX has changed. Please try it out and don't hesitate to reach out to share your thoughts!

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

  • Update TypeDB driver dependency and constructor
    Update TypeDB driver dependency and use the unified driver constructor to support the latest API.

Other Improvements

  • Fix query command parsing

  • Fix next-command index bug

  • Improve UX of Ctrl+C and fix bugs in command submission

    We an important bug:

    >> match
    $x isa person; |
    1. navigate cursor and enter newlines
    >> match
    | $x isa person;

    Various things would break, including submitting the "script" prematurely. Now, the block is only submitted when the sequence of commands entered are a valid script.

    Additionally, the UX if Ctr+C is improved: when hitting Ctrl+C on a non-empty line, the line is retained, rather than cleared.

  • Multiline script paste and unified scripting format

    We refactor the Console to allow pasting a "script" into the current REPL. This will be correctly interpreted and executed as a block of separate commands. The inputs must look as they would when using the console interactively:

    database create tmp
    transaction schema tmp
    define entity person;

    With the empty newline, as in regular interactive console, being used to mark the end of the query.

    This is particularly useful for pasting fully self-contained examples from TypeDB documentation into the console!

    The format of --file scripts (now called --script) must follow this same format, instead of using \ to write multiline queries. We will refer to this as the TypeDB Console Script, or Scripted TypeQL in some contexts. We use .tqls for console scripts, instead of the usual .tql which contains pure TypeQL.

  • Strip newline before adding to history

  • Implement search based on currently entered term

  • Fix test-assembly

  • Clear line if ctrl+c is hit with content on the current line

  • Fix UX bugs and documentation

  • Incorporate UX improvements, fix windows distribution

TypeDB Console 3.0.5

31 Jan 17:36
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.5

New Features

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

  • Update the Driver dependency to work with optional concepts from rows

Other Improvements

TypeDB Console 3.0.4

27 Jan 07:08
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.4

New Features

  • Update console to support TypeDB 3.0.4 and its features

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix printing of variables with empty values and rows with no columns
    Enhance printing logic to handle two special cases of received answers:

    • When a variable with no values is returned, an empty result will be shown instead of a crash (it used to be considered an impossible situation).
    • When concept rows are returned, but they do not have any columns inside (possible for delete stages), a special message is written, and the number of answers (rows) is still presented.

TypeDB Console 3.0.2

15 Jan 12:32
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.2

New Features

  • Update console to support TypeDB 3.0.2 and its features

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Remove debug println

TypeDB Console 3.0.0

20 Dec 14:19
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.0

New Features

  • Introduce TypeDB Console 3.0

    We introduce the updated TypeDB Console compatible with TypeDB 3.0.
    This bring significant opportunities and UX improvements, including:

    • Streamlined transactions: Sessions and transactions are now consolidated into standalone transactions.
    • Unified authentication: The updated authentication mechanism is shared across all types of the TypeDB server.
    • New query result formats: Introducing Concept Rows for table-like outputs and Concept Documents for structured outputs used in fetch queries.
      hi::read> match $x isa! person;
      Finished validation and compilation...
      Streaming answers...
          $x | iid 0x1e00000000000000000000 isa person
      Finished. Total answers: 1
      hi::read> match $x isa! person; fetch {$x.*};
      Finished validation and compilation...
      Streaming documents...
          "age": [ 25 ],
          "balance": [ "1234567890.000123456789" ],
          "birth-date": [ "2024-09-20" ],
          "birth-time": [ "1999-02-26T12:15:05.000000000" ],
          "current-time": [ "2024-09-20T16:40:05.000000000 Europe/London" ],
          "current-time-off": [ "2024-09-20T16:40:05.028129323+05:45" ],
          "expiration": [ "P1Y10M7DT15H44M5.003948920S" ],
          "is-new": [ true ],
          "name": [ "John" ],
          "success": [ 66.6 ]
      Finished. Total answers: 1

    Some features are currently disabled due to limitations on the TypeDB Server side:

    • Options.
    • Replicas information.

    Explore all the exciting features of TypeDB 3.0 here.

Bugs Fixed

  • Speed up transaction opening and fix parallel
    • We fix transaction opening for all the supported drivers, speeding up the operation by 2x.
    • We eliminate database-related errors happening during concurrent database management (create and delete operations) by multiple drivers due to cache mismatches.
    • We make transaction opening requests immediately return errors instead of waiting for additional transaction operations to be performed (e.g. commit or query).

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Update factory owners to typedb
    Update factory owners to typedb

  • Update factory owners to typedb

  • Update final reference of git org to @typedb

  • Replaced Vaticle with TypeDB in strings and copyrights

TypeDB Console 3.0.0-alpha-9

22 Nov 20:09
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.0-alpha-9

New Features

Bugs Fixed

  • Speed up transaction opening and fix parallel
    • We fix transaction opening for all the supported drivers, speeding up the operation by 2x.
    • We eliminate database-related errors happening during concurrent database management (create and delete operations) by multiple drivers due to cache mismatches.
    • We make transaction opening requests immediately return errors instead of waiting for additional transaction operations to be performed (e.g. commit or query).

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Bump version to 3.0.0-alpha-9

  • Update factory owners to typedb
    Update factory owners to typedb

  • Update factory owners to typedb

  • Update final reference of git org to @typedb

  • Replaced Vaticle with TypeDB in strings and copyrights

TypeDB Console 3.0.0-alpha-7

25 Oct 14:29
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.0-alpha-7

New Features

Bugs Fixed

  • Update driver to eliminate redundant error message on transactions opening

    We eliminate the wrong error shown in Console when opening a transaction.

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

TypeDB Console 3.0.0-alpha-6

18 Oct 15:03
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.0-alpha-6

New Features

  • Add fetch queries result printing. We add ConceptDocument printer option to show the results of fetch

    That's how we print the match and fetch queries results now:

    hi::read> match $x isa! person;
    Finished validation and compilation...
    Streaming answers...
        $x | iid 0x1e00000000000000000000 isa person
    Finished. Total answers: 1
    hi::read> match $x isa! person; fetch {$x.*};
    Finished validation and compilation...
    Streaming documents...
        "age": [ 25 ],
        "balance": [ "1234567890.000123456789" ],
        "birth-date": [ "2024-09-20" ],
        "birth-time": [ "1999-02-26T12:15:05.000000000" ],
        "current-time": [ "2024-09-20T16:40:05.000000000 Europe/London" ],
        "current-time-off": [ "2024-09-20T16:40:05.028129323+05:45" ],
        "expiration": [ "P1Y10M7DT15H44M5.003948920S" ],
        "is-new": [ true ],
        "name": [ "John" ],
        "success": [ 66.6 ]
    Finished. Total answers: 1

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

TypeDB Console 2.29.0

07 Oct 00:45
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:2.29.0

New Features

  • TypeQL queries executed via source command are asynchronous
    TypeQL files executed via source command are asynchronous

  • Directly specify password in the 'password-update' command

    It is now possible to invoke password-update command and specify the password together, instead of having to supply them in the following prompt. This new variant makes it possible to call it non-interactively.

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Migrate CircleCI mac jobs to arm64 executors
    Migrates the CircleCI mac jobs to arm64 executors

TypeDB Console 3.0.0-alpha-4

27 Sep 16:25
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Download from TypeDB Package Repository:^typedb-console+version:3.0.0-alpha-4

New Features

  • Introduce TypeDB 3.0-alpha Console
    Reimagine TypeDB Console for the upcoming 3.0 release of TypeDB. This alpha version of the client lets you interact with the updated server, try out the new, even more elegant version of TypeQL, and get used to the new output format for data queries.
    Learn more about TypeDB 3.0 features here:

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements