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OFC4DNA: Optimizing Fountain Codes 4 DNA Storage

Optimizer-Suite for Distribution functions of FountainCodes for non-Gaussian Error-Channels

This tool is intended to be used for optimizing the distribution functions of FountainCodes for non-Gaussian error channels. It is based on the NOREC4DNA framework ( ) and uses the Differential Evolution, Evolutionary Optimization and Gradient Descent algorithms to improve the distribution functions for a given (set of) file(s) under various configurable conditions.

As this tool was created as part of a research project for the field of DNA storage, it is currently optimized for this use case.


For the installation, Python 3.8 or newer and pip is required (we recommend 22.1.2 or newer) The software has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11, but should work on any system supporting Python 3.


git clone <git_url> --recurse-submodules
cd <project folder>

# optional: create a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# then run:
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all required dependencies, including the NOREC4DNA framework, in the virtual environment. The installation should take less than 5 minutes on a typical desktop PC, but can take longer if an older pip version is used or if dependency conflicts exists (e.g., if no virtual environment is used).

Usage: is a Python script that allows you to configure various optimization parameters and perform experiments with different settings. It provides a command-line interface for setting parameters and specifying input files.

python [options]


  • --repeats [INT]: Number of repeats (default: 10).
  • --chunksize_lst [INT INT INT ...]: List of chunk sizes (default: [40, 60, 80]).
  • --overhead_fac [FLOAT]: Overhead factor (default: 0.2).
  • --avg_error_fac [FLOAT]: Average error factor (default: 0.4).
  • --clean_deg_len_fac [FLOAT]: Clean degree length factor (default: -0.0001).
  • --clean_avg_error_fac [FLOAT]: Clean average error factor (default: 0.2).
  • --non_unique_packets_fac [FLOAT]: Non-unique packets factor (default: 0.3).
  • --unrecovered_packets_fac [FLOAT]: Unrecovered packets factor (default: 0.1).
  • --gens [INT]: Number of generations (default: 250).
  • --pop_size [INT]: Population size (only for diff and evo) (default: 100).
  • --cr [FLOAT]: Crossover rate (for diff) (default: 0.8).
  • --f [FLOAT]: Scaling factor (for diff) (default: 0.8).
  • --mut_rate [FLOAT]: Mutation rate (for evo) (default: 0.2).
  • --alpha [FLOAT]: Alpha (for grd) (default: 0.001).
  • --seed_spacing [INT]: Seed spacing (0 is same as no seed-spacing) (default: 4).
  • --use_payload_xor [True/False]: Use payload XOR (default: True).
  • --compare_pop_size [INT]: Population size for hyperparameter comparison (default: 100).
  • --compare_gens [INT]: Number of generations for hyperparameter comparison (default: 100).
  • --files [FILE1 FILE2 ...]: One or more input files (default: ["aes_dorn"]).


To run the script with custom parameters and multiple input files:

python --repeats 5 --avg_error_fac 0.3 --seed_spacing 2 --files Dorn Dorn.pdf aes_Dorn

The resulting data will be stored in the matching folders (e.g. results_evo)


The results folder contains all results including any intermediate data for the input files.

Missing "results" folder:

As the "results" folder is not required to perform new optimization and would drastically increase the repository size by including a huge amount of data (e.g., each generation for each experiment, including graphs for each iteration), they are stored in an external repository. All results can be downloaded from this repository:


The results can be parsed and evaluated using the eval_and_plot.ipynb Notebook.

Results for various example input files are already included in the eval folder.


The runtime depends on various factors, such as the number of repeats, the number of generations, the population size, the number of input files and the number of chunks.

For Evolutionary Optimization and Differential Evolution, the process can be parallelized by using multiple processes. This is limited by the population size.

When using multiple input files, chunk sizes, repeats, and a population size of 100+ and 200+ generations, for a typical desktop PC, a runtime in the order of multiple days has to be expected.

Running (on a server) using docker:

mkdir ofc4dna_volume

docker build -t ofc4dna .

docker run -d --name ofc4dna --mount source=ofc4dna_volume,target=/optimize/results ofc4dna

docker logs -f ofc4dna

By default, the container will run the optimization suite with the default parameters.

Docker-hub image:

The image is also available on docker-hub:

Other improvements:

All improvements shown in this work were directly integrated into the NOREC4DNA framework and can be used either directly or using this optimization suite. For more information, see the NOREC4DNA repository:

Usage of the created code:

The following script comes bundled with all previously introduced improvements and can be used to encode and decode files using the optimized distribution functions. TO add new distribution functions, you can add them to the dists.json file as demonstrated in the commented code of The distribution has to be normalized and scaled as shown in for the existing functions (see for examples).

To encode you can run:

$ python Dorn --encode --insert_header --error_correction reedsolomon --repair_symbols 2 --seed_spacing 2 --use_payload_xor --seed_len_str H --chunk_size 69 --overhead 2.0
number_of_chunks from chunk_size: 72
Saved result at: Dorn_encoded.fasta

To decode the fasta file you need to specify the number of chunks:

$ python Dorn_encoded.fasta --decode --insert_header --error_correction reedsolomon --repair_symbols 2 --seed_spacing 2 --use_payload_xor --seed_len_str H --number_of_chunks 72


$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--encode] [--decode] [--dist dist] [--error_correction error_correction] [--insert_header] [--number_of_chunks number_of_chunks] [--repair_symbols repair_symbols] [--seed_spacing seed_spacing] [--use_seed_xor]
                [--use_payload_xor] [--seed_len_str SEED_LEN_STR] [--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [--overhead OVERHEAD]

Encode and decode a file using our improved fountain code-based scheme.

positional arguments:
  file                  the file / folder to Decode

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --encode              Encode the file.
  --decode              Decode the file.
  --dist dist
  --error_correction error_correction
                        Error Correction Method to use; possible values: nocode, crc, reedsolomon, dna_reedsolomon (default=nocode)
  --number_of_chunks number_of_chunks
  --repair_symbols repair_symbols
                        number of repair symbols for ReedSolomon (default=2)
  --seed_spacing seed_spacing
                        spacing between seeds (default=2)
  --seed_len_str SEED_LEN_STR
                        seed length format (default=I)
  --chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE
                        chunk size (default=0)
  --overhead OVERHEAD   overhead (default=3.0)


If you use this software in your research, please cite the following paper: