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da Websocket Client

I googled to find WS Client that support both WS/WSS with specified certificate file but not found anyone.
I don't want wasting time for finding it anymore. So, I decided to make this tool for work and those who needed.


  • Support both Websocket (WS) & Websocket Secure (WSS) protocol
  • Support to use a specified certification file manually
  • Support to use self-signed & publicly-trusted-signed certification automatically
  • Support send/receive/display Text & Binary data type
  • Support custom websocket header
  • Support save/load preferences from JSON file
  • Support cross-platform like Windows, Linux, macOS, etc
  • Others


Note: This project required Python 3.6 or newer

  1. Run the command git clone then cd da-Websocket-Client to get this repository
  2. Run the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install required packages
  3. Run the command python to run app from the source code
  4. (Optional) To build executable file, run the command pyinstaller --clean --distpath=bin da-Websocket-Client.spec
  5. (Optional) To create a package, run the command file create-package.cmd (for Windows) or ./ (for Linux or macOS) or directly download packages here

Note: (Optional) The sample SSL file for local machine (localhost & can be found in the preferences folder or you can generate your own SSL file by run the following command

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout local.pem -out local.pem -subj "/CN=localhost" -addext "subjectAltName=IP:"



  • Consider to support sending file
  • Consider to support more like Socket IO, MQTT, etc
  • Support debug logging to allow user knowing what is backend working like packet header, raw data, etc
  • Support python plugin system to allow user easy to custom, hijack, mitm, handle, etc without any complex installation DOING


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