Bayesian optimization on supercomputer with MPI
Install the software together with mpi_learn
git clone
git clone
cd mpi_opt
ln -s ../mpi_learn/mpi_learn
To run the mnist example (you need to get the mnist data file first using get_mnist in mpi_learn) with 4 blocks of 5 processes for 10 epoches, and 10 bayesian optimization cycle : (1 opt master + 4 block x (1 master + 4 workers)) = 21 processes
mpirun -tag-output -n 21 python3 --block-size 5 --example mnist --epochs 10 --num-iterations 10
To run with 5-fold cross validation : (1 opt master + (5 fold x (4 block x (1 master + 4 workers))) = 101
mpirun -tag-output -n 101 python3 --block-size 5 --example mnist --epochs 10 --num-iterations 10 --n-fold 5
To run with a genetic algorithm instead of Bayesian optimization, add
mpirun -tag-output -n 101 python3 --block-size 5 --example mnist --epochs 10 --num-iterations 10 --n-fold 5 --hyper-opt genetic --ga-population 20
Note that compared to Bayesian optimization, the runtime increases by a factor of population size. However, similar results are generally achieved for the same iterations*population size compared to Bayesian optimization.