ptrscan's dependencies are undergoing major testing & minor refactors. Prebuilt binaries & static builds are coming. To get ptrscan running in the meantime, install the latest release, libcmore v0.0.3, and liblain v1.0.2.
Pointer Scanner (ptrscan) is a dynamic analysis utility for discovering related pointers within a target process.
Because pointers are typically stored as parts of structures, ptrscan also discovers structures and their relationships, which at a high level reveals the design of your target.
ptrscan is able to verify previously identified pointer chains by attempting to follow them through different instances of the same program, eliminating false positives.
In addition to assisting with dynamic analysis, select pointer chains produced by ptrscan can be used to reliably navigate the memory of a target process from an external process.
ptrscan links the following at runtime:
ptrscan can optionally use this LKM to scan through a hidden kernel interface:
Fetch the repo:
$ git clone
$ cd ptrscan
$ make ptrscan build=release
# make install
Install additional markdown documentation:
# make install_doc
To uninstall:
# make uninstall
After installing ptrscan, see man 1 ptrscan
. Alternatively, markdown documentation is available at ./doc/md/
See ./doc/md/
for a walkthrough of a typical use case.