A responsive-friendly javascript slideshow
Just include the plugin in your site and call the function in your main javascript file.
You can customize the default parameters within the function:
$("#imagecontainer").wwslideshow({delay: 4000, speed: 2000});
autoplay: true,
random: true, // randomize the image order
startindex: null,
delay: 2000, // delay between slides
speed: 1000, // transition speed
paginator: null, // selector
nums: false, // set the selectors to numbers
debug: false,
fadeover: false,
upscale: false,
overscale: false,
fxinterval: 13,
fitheight: false,
realhide: false,
easing: "swing",
center: false,
startdelay: 0,
text: false
$("#wwcontroler .prev").click(function() {