⚠️ Microsoft has finally launched the MacOS version, you can download it from Mac App Store here. Thanks everyone for using this wrapper 🙌
As Microsoft plans to shut down Wunderlist and there is no Microsoft To-Do app for MacOS yet, I've created one using nativefier.
I used the following command:
$ nativefier --name "To-Do" -p "OSX" --counter -i ./To-Do --single-instance --width=880 --height=630 --min-width=600 --min-height=330 --internal-urls="((microsoftonline|live)\.com|(todo|to-do)\.microsoft\.com)" --disable-context-menu --inject ./style.css https://to-do.microsoft.com/#
- Context menu
- Native notifications w/ counter
- Hide "Get the app" button