Contributors: wpsocio, irshadahmad21
Tags: telegram, feed, widget, channel, group
Requires at least: 6.4
Requires PHP: 7.4
Tested up to: 6.7.2
Stable tag: 2.2.6
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
License URI:
Donate link:
Complete contributors list found here:
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Display the Telegram Public Channel or Group Feed in a WordPress widget or anywhere you want using a shortcode.
- Provides an ajax widget to display channel feed
- Ajax widget contains a Join Channel link
- A separate Join Channel Link/Button
- Pulls updates automatically from Telegram
- Uses a responsive widget to display the feed
- Fits anywhere you want it to be
- The received messages can be seen from
- Automatically removes deleted messages
- Can be displayed using a shortcode
- Available as a Gutengerg block
- Allows embedding of Telegram public channel messages
- Can be extended with custom code
Goto Appearance > Widgets and click/drag WP Telegram Ajax Widget and place it where you want it to be.
Alternately, you can use the below shortcode.
Inside page or post content:
[wptelegram-ajax-widget username="WPTelegram" width="100%" height="500px"]
Inside the theme templates
if ( function_exists( 'wptelegram_ajax_widget' ) ) {
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wptelegram-ajax-widget width="98%" height="700px"]' ); ?>
Goto Appearance > Widgets and click/drag WP Telegram Legacy Widget and place it where you want it to be.
Alternately, you can use the below shortcode.
Inside page or post content:
[wptelegram-widget num_messages="5" width="100%" author_photo="auto"]
Inside the theme templates
if ( function_exists( 'wptelegram_widget' ) ) {
$args = array(
// 'author_photo' => 'auto',
// 'num_messages' => 5,
// 'width' => 100,
wptelegram_widget( $args );
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wptelegram-widget num_messages="5" width="100%" author_photo="always_show"]' ); ?>
Goto Appearance > Widgets and click/drag WP Telegram Join Channel and place it where you want it to be.
Alternately, you can use the below shortcode.
Inside page or post content:
[wptelegram-join-channel link="" text="Join @WPTelegram on Telegram"]
Inside the theme templates
if ( function_exists( 'wptelegram_join_channel' ) ) {
$args = array(
'link' => '',
'text' => 'Join @WPTelegram on Telegram',
wptelegram_join_channel( $args );
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wptelegram-join-channel link="" text="Join us on Telegram"]' ); ?>
Development takes place in our Github monorepo, and all contributions welcome.
If you want to help with translation of the plugin, you can contribute via WordPress Plugin Translations.
Automatic installation is the easiest way -- WordPress will handle the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of the plugin:
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard
- Navigate to the Plugins menu, and click "Add New"
- In the search field type "wptelegram-widget" and hit Enter
- Locate the plugin in the list of search results
- Click on "Install Now" and wait for the installation to complete
- Click on "Activate"
Manual installation method requires downloading the plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The official WordPress documentation contains instructions on how to do this here.
Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend you back up your site.