is an R package that
calculates the Gini coefficient and plots Lorenz curves. It builds on
the gini
function from package DescTools
, and extends this function
to the generalized Gini as derived in:
Bernasco, W. and W. Steenbeek (2017). More places than crimes: Implications for evaluating the law of crime concentration at place. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10940-016-9324-7
The most recent version of the package is:
Steenbeek, W., Bernasco, W. (2018). lorenzgini: generalized Gini for sparse data situations. R package version 0.1.2. URL: https://github.com/wsteenbeek/lorenzgini
You can install the package from this GitHub repository. You first need to install the remotes package.
Then install lorenzgini
using the install_github
function in the
remotes package.
After loading the package with library(lorenzgini)
, see the
documentation of the two functions (these include examples) by typing:
The package includes a vignette explaining the background and the
functions in lorenzgini
in more detail.
By far the easiest way to view the vignette is this direct link, courtesy of the GitHub HTML Preview service:
If instead you want to access the vignettes from R itself you need to
take a few additional steps, because remotes::install_github()
not build vignettes by default to save time and because it may require
additional packages.
Install the rmarkdown package with
Install pandoc (and afterwards restart your computer)
Then, install the package again but force building of the vignettes using
remotes::install_github("wsteenbeek/lorenzgini", build_vignettes = TRUE, force = TRUE)
. This will take a few minutes.
Afterwards, you should be able to view which vignettes are available using:
To directly read the vignettes rather than going through
you can use:
vignette("lorenzgini", package = "lorenzgini")
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available at https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3