Tidis is a Distributed NoSQL database, providing a Redis protocol API (string, list, hash, set, sorted set), written in Go.
Tidis is like TiDB layer, providing protocol transform and data structure compute, powered by TiKV backend distributed storage which use Raft for data replication and 2PC for distributed transaction.
- Redis protocol compatible
- Linear scale-out ability
- Storage and computation separation
- Data safety, no data loss, Raft replication
- Transaction support
Any pull requests are welcomed.
Architechture of tidis
Architechture of tikv
- Placement Driver (PD): PD is the brain of the TiKV system which manages the metadata about Nodes, Stores, Regions mapping, and makes decisions for data placement and load balancing. PD periodically checks replication constraints to balance load and data automatically.
- Node: A physical node in the cluster. Within each node, there are one or more Stores. Within each Store, there are many Regions.
- Store: There is a RocksDB within each Store and it stores data in local disks.
- Region: Region is the basic unit of Key-Value data movement and corresponds to a data range in a Store. Each Region is replicated to multiple Nodes. These multiple replicas form a Raft group. A replica of a Region is called a Peer.
git clone https://github.com/yongman/tidis-docker-compose.git
cd tidis-docker-compose/
docker-compose up -d
Or follow tidis-docker-compose guide to run with docker-compose
git clone https://github.com/yongman/tidis.git
cd tidis && make
docker pull yongman/tidis
Use docker run tikv
for test, just follow PingCAP official guide, you just need to deploy PD and TiKV servers, Tidis will take the role of TiDB.
bin/tidis-server -conf config.toml
docker run -d --name tidis -p 5379:5379 -v {your_config_dir}:/data yongman/tidis -conf="/data/config.toml"
redis-cli -p 5379> get a
"1"> lrange l 0 -1
1) "6"
2) "5"
3) "4"> zadd zzz 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
(integer) 4> zcard zzz
(integer) 4> zincrby zzz 10 1
(integer) 11> zrange zzz 0 -1 withscores
1) "2"
2) "2"
3) "3"
4) "3"
5) "4"
6) "4"
7) "1"
8) "11"
| pexpire | pexpire key int |
| pexpireat | pexpireat key timestamp(ms) |
| expire | expire key int |
| expireat | expireat key timestamp(s) |
| pttl | pttl key |
| ttl | ttl key |
| type | type key |
| command | format |
| get | get key |
| set | set key value [EX sec|PX ms][NX|XX] |
| getbit | getbit key offset |
| setbit | setbit key offset value |
| del | del key1 key2 ... |
| mget | mget key1 key2 ... |
| mset | mset key1 value1 key2 value2 ... |
| incr | incr key |
| incrby | incr key step |
| decr | decr key |
| decrby | decrby key step |
| strlen | strlen key |
| Commands | Format |
| hget | hget key field |
| hstrlen | hstrlen key |
| hexists | hexists key |
| hlen | hlen key |
| hmget | hmget key field1 field2 field3... |
| hdel | hdel key field1 field2 field3... |
| hset | hset key field value |
| hsetnx | hsetnx key field value |
| hmset | hmset key field1 value1 field2 value2... |
| hkeys | hkeys key |
| hvals | hvals key |
| hgetall | hgetall key |
| commands | format |
| lpop | lpop key |
| rpush | rpush key |
| rpop | rpop key |
| llen | llen key |
| lindex | lindex key index |
| lrange | lrange key start stop |
| lset | lset key index value |
| ltrim | ltrim key start stop |
| commands | format |
| sadd | sadd key member1 [member2 ...] |
| scard | scard key |
| sismember | sismember key member |
| smembers | smembers key |
| srem | srem key member |
| sdiff | sdiff key1 key2 |
| sunion | sunion key1 key2 |
| sinter | sinter key1 key2 |
| sdiffstore | sdiffstore key1 key2 key3 |
| sunionstore | sunionstore key1 key2 key3 |
| sinterstore | sinterstore key1 key2 key3 |
| commands | format |
| zadd | zadd key member1 score1 [member2 score2 ...] |
| zcard | zcard key |
| zrange | zrange key start stop [WITHSCORES] |
| zrevrange | zrevrange key start stop [WITHSCORES] |
| zrangebyscore | zrangebyscore key min max [WITHSCORES][LIMIT offset count] |
| zrevrangebyscore | zrevrangebyscore key max min [WITHSCORES][LIMIT offset count] |
| zremrangebyscore | zremrangebyscore key min max |
| zrangebylex | zrangebylex key min max [LIMIT offset count] |
| zrevrangebylex | zrevrangebylex key max min [LIMIT offset count] |
| zremrangebylex | zremrangebylex key min max |
| zcount | zcount key |
| zlexcount | zlexcount key |
| zscore | zscore key member |
| zrem | zrem key member1 [member2 ...] |
| zincrby | zincrby key increment member |
| command | support |
| multi | Yes |
| exec | Yes |
| command | format |
| flushdb | flushdb id |
| flushall | flush |
| select | select id |
Tidis is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.