Releases: youngde811/Lisa
Release 3.9.1: Documentation and slight code change
Lisa version 3.9.1 covers mostly cleaned-up documentation. Also, Lisa now. pushes a version keyword onto the FEATURES list.
Release 3.9.0
Lisa has been optimized on SBCL as far as I know to take it. Also, some documentation additions.
Release 3.8.5: Bugfix
This is a patch release that addresses a minor annoyance when using SBCL's auto-notify implementation. Not really a bug, just an idiosyncrasy.
Many thanks to cdmojoli for the report!
Release 3.8.4: logger support
This is a minor patch release that adds simple logger configuration, along with some optimization settings.
Release 3.8.3: minor documentation changes
This is a minor release that contains mostly documentation changes within the code base and README.
Release 3.8.2: Fix LOGICAL condition element
This patch release fixes a bug introduced by who knows whom to the LOGICAL conditional element. Apparently this occurred during my ten-year absence from Lisa work.
Release 3.7: Further optimizations and documentation
This is Lisa's 3.7 release, which contains a few more optimizations as identified by the Slime deterministic profiler. There are also a few documentation updates.
First GitHub release for 3.2
Version 3.2 is the first Lisa release from its new home on GitLab. No real code changes were introduced, other than some updated installation code and a newer ASDF version.