This repository contains all the code to train and use the cloudmask model (the paper has been published in Icarus). This cloudmask model identifies water-ice clouds in Mars Daily Global Maps. If you would like the cloud mask dataset, you can access it here.
Use Python >=3.9.0. Dependencies for this model are stored in requirements.txt.
- data contains a sample of training and testing data
- save_cloud_model contains the pretrained model's weights
- holds the model's architecture and loss function
- predict.ipynb is a Jupyter Notebook that allows users to quickly create a cloud mask for a given MDGM image. Automatically applies smooth tiling processes. Can additionally create file directories of many predictions for larger jobs
- training.ipynb contains all the necessary elements to train the cloudmask model
- preprocessing_training_data.ipynb performs preprocessing and data augmentation on the training data. You must preprocess the training data before using "training.ipynb"
- contains a collection of useful functions for other files in this repo
- view_masks.ipynb has a few handy methods to plot cloud masks and MDGMs
The parameters for the pretrained model are in the save_cloud_model folder. predict.ipynb is made for loading and using the model. For each MDGM, use subdivs_compute()
to get the cloud mask as an array and then make_netCDF()
to convert the numpy array into a NetCDF4 file.
MDGMs can be computed in bulk via the final cell in predict.ipynb. Be sure to store your MDGMs in a filesystem as shown:
│ │ B01_ls.txt
│ │
│ │ B01_day01_zequat.jpg
│ │ B01_day02_zequat.jpg
│ │ B01_day32_zequat.jpg
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └───list
│ │ B01_day01.list
│ │ B01_day02.list
│ │ B01_day03.list
│ │ ...
This format should be satisfied if you are downloading MDGMs directly from here. The folder should contain one or more years of data.
The model has already been trained, with an accuracy of about 98%. However, if you desire you may train the model yourself. Training data for this model is generated from the cloud masks by Wang and González Abad [2021]. The data should be stored in data/train.
Before training, the downloaded MDGMs and cloud masks must pre preprocessed via preprocessing_training_data.ipynb. Run the cells in the notebook. The folder data/train_processed should now contain subdivided MDGMs and cloud masks.
Now run training.ipynb to train the model. You must have an NVIDIA GPU compliant with Tensorflow to train the model. Depending on VRAM constraints, adjust the BATCH_SIZE
parameter accordingly. I trained the model with one NVIDIA RTX 3060 12GB. Be sure to save the model weights during and after training.