daily snapshots at each epoch boundary
There is a restore tool ol restore
which covers these steps. The instructions below are for specific interventions.
The make
recipes assume your 0L source is at ~/libra
. See ENV vars below for setting custom path
git clone https://github.com/OLSF/epoch-archive.git
cd epoch-archive
make bins
cd epoch-archive
make restore-latest
Create new backup from a remote node (which has backup-service enabled publicly, and epoch must be within the prune window)
EPOCH=104 URL=http://[fullnode-ip] make backup-all
This repo keeps archives of 0L database at different block heights. The objective is to archive the state of heights at 1) the end of a calendar month 2) at the time of network updates.
The archive is predominantly used for new nodes to join consensus at an advanced waypoint. These backups will also allow for network recovery in catastrophic failure.
A prospective node (full or validator) ordinarily needs to sync from the genesis transaction. This is costly and time consuming. A fast sync would start from a known waypoint.
A Node's libra DB needs to be "bootstrapped" at the time of the node starting. This is ordinarily done with a genesis.blob if starting from the beginning of the ledger. If catching up from an advanced waypoint, the DB needs to be bootstrapped some other way.
Backups are a way of bootstrapping the DB. There are 3 types of point-in-time backups:
- Epoch Ending
- Transactions
- State Snapshot
All three types of backups are needed to restore and bootstrap a database.
The backup cli is composed of two binaries db-backup
and db-restore
. These must be compiled and saved to your user directory. make bins
can do this.
IMPORTANT: The db-restore tool assumes you are running this from the location of your backups (likely the epoch-archive git project)
The manifest file includes OS paths to chunks. Those paths are relative and fail if this is run outside of epoch-archive
Sample commands (from Makefile)
# backup-epoch:
db-backup one-shot backup --backup-service-address ${URL}:6186 epoch-ending --start-epoch ${EPOCH} --end-epoch ${END_EPOCH} local-fs --dir ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}
# backup-transaction:
db-backup one-shot backup --backup-service-address ${URL}:6186 transaction --num_transactions ${TRANS_LEN} --start-version ${EPOCH_HEIGHT} local-fs --dir ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}
# backup-snapshot:
db-backup one-shot backup --backup-service-address ${URL}:6186 state-snapshot --state-version ${EPOCH_HEIGHT} local-fs --dir ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}
# restore-epoch:
db-restore --target-db-dir ${DB_PATH} epoch-ending --epoch-ending-manifest ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}/epoch_ending_${EPOCH}*/epoch_ending.manifest local-fs --dir ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}
# restore-transaction:
db-restore --target-db-dir ${DB_PATH} transaction --transaction-manifest ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}/transaction_${EPOCH_HEIGHT}*/transaction.manifest local-fs --dir ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}
# restore-snapshot:
db-restore --target-db-dir ${DB_PATH} state-snapshot --state-manifest ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}/state_ver_${EPOCH_HEIGHT}*/state.manifest --state-into-version ${EPOCH_HEIGHT} local-fs --dir ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${EPOCH}
Many of the typical operations of the backup tools (db-restore, db-backup) can be automated with the sample Makefile.
For convenience the epoch backups include a fullnode_template.node.yaml which can be used for initializing a node.
Use make restore-yaml
to copy to appropriate folder.
EPOCH: this variable must be set by user before calling makefile.
EPOCH=30 make restore-all
VERSION: this variable must be set by user before calling backup-version
/ restore-version
EPOCH=30 VERSION=12345 make backup-version
EPOCH=30 VERSION=12345 make restore-version
SOURCE_PATH: optional, the path of libra source, for building bins. Will default to ~/libra
ARCHIVE_PATH: optional, the path of this repo. Will default to ~/epoch-archive
DB_PATH: optional for backups only, path to the node's database. Will default to ~/.0L/db
URL: optional for backups only, url of backup service. Will default to http://localhost
. Can use a remote node which has the backup-service-address open to
The node is trying to catch up with the network
2021-03-01T20:08:03.720285Z [state-sync] INFO execution/executor/src/lib.rs:568 sync_request_received {"first_version_in_request":41316059,"local_synced_version":41316058,"name":"chunk_executor","num_txns_in_request":1000}
2021-03-01T20:08:03.749924Z [state-sync] INFO language/libra-vm/src/libra_transaction_executor.rs:627 Executing block, transaction count: 1000 {"first_version":41316059,"name":"execution","txn_id":0}
====================================== round is 998
====================================== round is 999
====================================== round is 1000
====================================== round is 1001
====================================== round is 1002
====================================== round is 1003
====================================== round is 1004
====================================== round is 1005
====================================== round is 1006
====================================== round is 1007
====================================== round is 1008
After state sync
====================================== round is 38407
2021-03-01T23:58:06.181071Z [state-sync] INFO execution/executor/src/speculation_cache/mod.rs:202 Updated with a new root block {"name":"speculation_cache","root_block_id":"9c04c747c4ac6d9c6fa04dcd18115bf1f32dcfb0fef9bc482182d280f0fcbcf5"}
2021-03-01T23:58:06.181157Z [state-sync] INFO execution/executor/src/lib.rs:614 sync_finished {"committed_with_ledger_info":true,"name":"chunk_executor","synced_to_version":45972972}
2021-03-01T23:58:06.324104Z [state-sync] INFO execution/executor/src/speculation_cache/mod.rs:202 Updated with a new root block {"name":"speculation_cache","root_block_id":"9c04c747c4ac6d9c6fa04dcd18115bf1f32dcfb0fef9bc482182d280f0fcbcf5"}
2021-03-01T23:58:06.324214Z [state-sync] INFO execution/executor/src/lib.rs:568 sync_request_received {"first_version_in_request":45972973,"local_synced_version":45972972,"name":"chunk_executor","num_txns_in_request":1}
2021-03-01T23:58:06.329665Z [state-sync] INFO language/libra-vm/src/libra_transaction_executor.rs:627 Executing block, transaction count: 1 {"first_version":45972973,"name":"execution","txn_id":0}
====================================== round is 38408