The latest attempt and making my cat(s) happy.
- Pardon while the kinks and bugs are slowly squashed.
- The push button/switch will turn on the laser and start the auto run mode.
- Auto mode still needs some help. it 'works' for now though!
- To use the joystick, press down on the joystick and the D13 led will light up to show that manual mode is active.
- Joy stick can then move the servo arm around. <-- This is still a bit off. I may need a better quality joystick for this.
- Fix the servo angle values.
- 0 degrees on bottom servo should be pointing left
- 180 pointing right
- 90 straight ahead.
- (this all could be fixed by adjusting the servo arms alignment.. im being lazy though)...
- Get the timers to work.
- Servos are moving too fast. (or too slow or even not at all...)
- Get auto mode to work... <-- this more or less works right now..
- Add dual core usage for the ESP32's two cores.
- Incorporate the Blynk library to use remote control via wifi.
- Web UI?
- Add bluetooth/ble
- Add more buttons or switches to change to different running modes.
- Make a second one for my other cat!
- uh...
- ESP32 HUZZAH32 Feather -
- Chosen for wifi/bluetooth connectivity and it's dual core support.
- Other boards can be used if necesary. (Untested, code writen for esp32)
- 1x Laser diode -
- Connected to pin 12 on ESP32 Feather Huzzah32
- 3x Push Buttons -
- Connected to pin 21.
- any basic momentary push button switch.
- These will control the modes.
- These also share same button input pins as the display.
- 1x OLED FeatherWing display - ..insert link
- Shows status and what not.
- show some cute cat images.
- 1x SPDT Switch -
- current version uses a switch instead of a button. less hassle, no debounce to deal with.
- 2x Servos and servo arm kit (Mini Pan-Tilt Kit) -
- Bottom servo (Horizontal movement) connected to pin 33
- Top servo (Vertical movement) connected to pin 27
- You could use your own 2 servo set up as well.
- Bread board.
- Use a longer breadboard to mount the mini pan tilt kit to the breadboard with header pins or any other method.
- Wires...
- I prefer wires cut to the proper length to avoid the servos catching them and pulling them out of place. (It also looks better)
Total cost for parts is about $55-$65 or so depending on what you already have or need.