This is a Python class which performs strong validation of different cryptocurrency addresses, chains, and ticker symbols. It will ensure that the data provided calculates to a correct value, and is syntactically safe to use. Segwit compatible
- Length - Ensure the given address is the expected length
- Character Set - Ensure that only the expected characters are used in the address
- Character Position - Ensure that certain key characters are in their expected positions in the address
- Cryptographic - Deconstruct the address into its logical components, and validate that it parsed, and any checksums or signatures are correct
This library performs Levels 1 through 4 for all supported coins and address formats
- BTC / LTC: P2PKH, P2SH, Bech32
- XMR: Standard Address, Subaddress, Integrated Address
This library has two dependencies: pysha3 and base58. You use this library by importing and calling static methods in the top-level Validation class. Coin tickers, chains, and names are case-insensitive. All functions return a boolean True/False answer.
class Validation:
def is_btc_chain(chain): ...
def is_xmr_chain(chain): ...
def is_coin_ticker(coin): ...
def is_coin_name(name): ...
def is_address(coin, address): ...
def is_btc_address(address): ...
def is_ltc_address(address): ...
def is_xmr_address(address, label=None): ...
from Validation import Validation
if Validation.is_coin_ticker("BTC"):
if Validation.is_btc_chain("testnet"):
if Validation.is_xmr_chain("stagenet"):
if Validation.is_coin_name("lITeCoiN"):
if Validation.is_address("BTC", "3FkenCiXpSLqD8L79intRNXUgjRoH9sjXa"):
if Validation.is_address("BTC", "bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq"):
if Validation.is_address("LTC", "LS78aoGtfuGCZ777x3Hmr6tcoW3WaYynx9"):
if Validation.is_address("XMR", "46E5ekYrZd5UCcmNuYEX24FRjWVMgZ1ob79cRViyfvLFZjfyMhPDvbuCe54FqLQvVCgRKP4UUMMW5fy3ZhVQhD1JLLufBtu"):
I borrowed / modified code from these projects:
- Base58 decoding:
- P2PKH validation:
- Bech32 Validation:
- XMR Validation:
Please test throughly before using this in a production environment. There are no warranties, guarantees, or strings attached when using this software
- Integrate the base58 module code into the library itself
- Namespace the XMR, LTC, and BTC functions & classes
- Consolidate XMR and BTC base58 functions
- Make this into a "real" Python module and publish to PyPI