This is a public repository because I don't want to pay money to host a static page from a private repository.
The website is ugly and simple because it gets the job done and I want to minimize my maintenence effort.
I'm a web/frontend noob, and I want to spend my energy getting better at other things, so I am not particularly interested in becoming an expert here. Forgive me.
Just follow the 11ty instructions under quick start:
If on windows, I'm probably using MSYS2 / Mingw64 because I want a unix-like environment. On that platform, getting node set up is a little tricky, as of when I am writing this I used the 'nvm' solution from this stackoverflow answer:
When I did that, unzip
was unavailable, and so I got it via pacman -S unzip
npx @11ty/eleventy --serve
Click on the localhost link it spits out.
... todo, write something useful here