A discord bot coded in Python
for moderation and some fun.
The bot's default command prefix is r$
discord.py version : 1.5.1
git clone https://github.com/0xcabrex/Rexbot
cd Rexbot/
chmod +x bot.py
cd Rexbot/
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd Rexbot/
sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You would also need a few files to run:
- Contains the bot token.NASA_API_KEY.0
- For the Nasa Api key, theapod
command requires it.mongodbclient.0
- A file that contains the url to connect to your MongoDB cluster.
NOTE: The files are CASE SENSITIVE, please make sure the files are named exactly as given above and put them in the same folder as the
file, i.e. in the Rexbot/
deirectory. You can also replace the token.0
, mongodbclient.0
with environment variables, but as REXBOT_TOKEN
cd Rexbot/
cd Rexbot/
python3 bot.py
Commmand | Description |
8ball |
Gives a yes, no or a maybe to a question asked, completely random but fun ;) |
meme |
Sends you a beautifully crafted meme. |
dog, doggo , pupper |
Gets you a cute pupper using internet magic. |
cat, kitty |
Gets you an adorable kitty picture from the internet. |
fact, facts |
Gets you a random animal fact of your choice, if it exists. |
asciify |
ASCIIfies your message. |
apod |
Gets you an Astronomy Picture of the Day. |
joke |
A random joke. |
pjoke |
Gets you a programming specific joke. |
quotes |
A random quote. |
Commands | Description |
kick |
Kicks the mentioned user from the guild. |
multikick |
Kicks Multiple people out of the guild. |
ban, hardban |
Bans the infracted user from the guild, with purging the member's messages. |
softban |
Bans the infracted user from the guild, without purging the member's messages. |
multiban |
Bans multiple users out of the guild. |
unban |
Unbans the user from the guild. |
warn |
Warns the user. |
warns, warnings |
Display the warnings of the user mentioned. |
clearwarns |
Clears the infractions of the mentioned user. |
mute |
Mutes the mentioned user. |
unmute |
Unmutes the mentioned user, if muted. |
clear, remove, purge |
Clears messages from the channel where the command has been used. |
addrole |
adds the role to the user, if present in the guild (CASE SENSITIVE) |
removerole, purgerole |
Removes the role from the user, if present in the guild and if the user has it (CASE SENSITIVE) |
Commands | Description |
setwarnthresh(old) |
Sets the warning threshold for the server, beyond which the member gets banned |
(clear/del)warnthresh(old) |
Clears the warning threshold of the server |
serverconfig, serversetup |
Configures the channels for moderation logging |
showconfig |
Shows the channels that you have configured, or not yet configured |
Commands | Description |
avatar, av |
Shows the avatar of the user mentioned. |
userinfo, ui |
Gives the info of the user entered. |
serverinfo, si |
Gives the info of the server. |
servercount, sc |
Shows you how many servers the bot is in and total number of members in those servers combined. |
wikipedia, wiki, ask, whatis |
Gets you information from the wiki. |
howdoi |
Information from stackoverflow. |
cipher, morse |
Converts a string to morse code. |
base64 |
Encodes your message to base64. |
dbase64 |
Decodes your base64 encoded message. |
prefix |
Changes prefix for that server. |
Commands | Description |
bug, bugs |
Report any bugs found in the bot, You can also direct message the bot. |
invite |
Sends an embeded invite link for the bot. |
source, sourcecode |
Sends you a link the redirects you to this github page. |
supportserver, ss |
Gets the link to the support server so you can ask doubts there. |
Use this link to invite rexbot to your server!
For any bugs, please use the bug
command and I will try to fix it or raise an issue, if I have the time ':)
Join the discord server for support and other stuff.
Rexbot is licensed under the MIT License as stated in the LICENSE file